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She almost immediately ushered Violet straight through the expansive living room before she could get a good look at it, and into a shockingly modern kitchen.

“You have a beautiful house,” Violet said.

“Thank you. I can’t take any credit for it. Well, I can take credit for the organizational aspect, but not for the decor. That’s all Sawyer. But he remodeled the place a few years ago.” She laughed. “I’m Evelyn. I’m Sawyer’s wife.”

“I’ve heard about you,” Violet said.

“Surprising,” Evelyn said, fixing a look at Wolf.

“Is it surprising?” Violet asked.

“Yes. I never can tell what’s going on in Wolf’s head.”

“Oh, so it’s not just me?”

Wolf walked past them both, muttering something about betrayals, and he began to dig through the fridge to get a beer.

“Everyone else should be here in a second.”

And then as if on cue, a parade of other people came into the room. Well, not a parade. Just two more. A girl who had the same sort of cocky bearing as Wolf, but very different coloring, and a tall, broad man with a beautiful face, dark hair, blue eyes and an easy smile. He was stunning. Prettier than Wolf’s rough appeal. And Violet could see how he was the kind of man who would pick up the first choice of girls in the bar every time. But Wolf still got to her most.

“You must be Violet,” the man said. “I’m Hunter. Hunter McCloud. But I bet Wolf hasn’t mentioned me.”

“He hasn’t,” Violet said.

“You’re so predictable,” Hunter said, looking at Wolf in mock disgust.

“I’m Elsie,” the small woman said. “Wolf’s sister.”

So this was Elsie. The younger sister who was two years older than Violet herself.

“Hi,” she said, feeling shy, because she had a feeling that Elsie was the person she would have to work hardest to impress. And that Elsie was the person she wanted to impress the most.

“Sorry that my brother’s an asshole,” Elsie said.

That surprised her.

“Oh,” Violet said. “He’s not.”

“You don’t have to lie for him.”

Elsie sat down at the table and propped her boots up on it. Evelyn went by and smacked the bottom of the boot with a spoon. “Knock it off.”

“Rude,” Elsie said, slinging her feet from the table and leaning forward. “I don’t know how you got mixed up with him.”

“The same way all women get mixed up with him,” Hunter said. “I may not understand it.Youmay not understand it. But he attracts them like flies to hon—”

“I don’t need your help,” Wolf said. “I thank you to not bring up my past in any regard.”


And then, as if by magic, a large amount of food appeared. Roast chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, and suddenly her offering of bread felt meager.

“The bread is perfect,” Evelyn said as if she sensed that Violet was feeling insecure.

“Oh. I...”

“We know you’re pregnant,” Evelyn said. “Because there’s not a secret contained in this entire family. We all live on top of each other. So don’t feel awkward about that. And, we already dragged him over the coals for it.”
