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Since she didn’t want Clara to end up in the woods—and she had absolutely no doubt her friend was serious, and would call her from the middle of the woods, pretending to be victimized—she gave her directions. When Clara pulled up to the cabin, she immediately opened the door. “Hi,” she said.

“This is rustic,” Clara said. “I like it. I particularly like the Christmas decorations.”

Violet laughed. “He doesn’t. Like really doesn’t. Watching him try to cope with it is kind of hilarious.”

Clara walked up the steps, and then pulled her in for a hug. “I am really glad to see you. And I’m really glad to see that you look better than when I last saw you.”

“Did I look bad last time?”

“You were pale. And you were very unhappy. It actually... It really helps to know that you’re this much happier just being with him.”

“Well. I...” She frowned. “Is that sad?”

“Is it sad that he makes you happy?”

“I feel like he shouldn’t. I mean... That’s stupid. What I mean is I feel like given the way things are between us, I should be more cautious about it. More cautious about him.”

“If you’re happy being with him, why worry about it?”

“I don’t know,” Violet said. “I don’t have enough experience with men to sort that out.”

“Show me around. And then let’s adventure a little bit.”

“That sounds like a great idea,” Violet said. “I really need to grocery shop, because his stock of food is pathetic, and I don’t have a car.”

Clara frowned. “We’ll have to fix that. I can drive you back to Copper Ridge, and we can pick your ride up. Maybe this weekend?”

“Oh. That might be good.”

“Are you still avoiding everyone? Because your secret is epically out.”

“No. I’m not avoiding everyone.” It was interesting how now that she was resolved and knew what she wanted to do, she really didn’t feel as avoidant as she had before. “I just hadn’t thought about going back. But... Yeah, that’s a good idea. I should get some more things. It’s kind of impractical looming around here with nothing.”


“Yeah. That sounds good. Sounds like a plan.” And it would defuse some of the intensity between Wolf and herself. Last night they had slept together. Just slept. It was the first time they’d done that. The focus of the two of them sharing a bed had been sexual from the beginning. And just sleeping had been... Well, there was something heavy about it. About all of it. But then the entire revelation about Breanna was heavy.

She thought about bringing it up with Clara, but she didn’t really want to talk about it. She just wanted to enjoy the day with her friend.

They got in Clara’s car, and drove off the ranch property.

“I have no idea where to go,” Violet said. “I’ve been staying here for almost two weeks and I have no idea where anything is.”

“Well, the ranch is pretty,” Clara said.

“From the map it doesn’t look like there’s a lot in the town.”

“He said as much. He didn’t really want me combing around by myself. Though, I kind of wonder if it has more to do with the fact that everybody knows who he is, and if they knew that I was here with him there was sure to be commentary,” Violet said.

“There’s always commentary when you live in a small town. And this makes Copper Ridge look like a booming metropolis.”

It didn’t take long for them to arrive at the town. Which, as far as they could sort out on the map on Clara’s phone, was this collection of buildings on either side of the highway. There was a general store, a small restaurant, a bar. An ice cream shop. All small, wooden buildings with shingle roofs and rustic wood siding.

“I say we start with lunch,” Clara said.

They went into the tiny diner, called Becky’s, and waited to be seated.

A woman with short curly gray hair greeted them, and led them to the table. She was not effusive at all.
