Page 23 of Thief of Fate

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“Good morning, Mr. Biddlesworth,” Cora said to Slice as they approached the carport. She ignored Bear completely, which gave Liam a rush of satisfaction.

Slice straightened from where he’d been leaning over the car engine, wiping his hands on a rag streaked with grease. His round, boyish face had a matching smudge across one cheek, and he gave Liam a nod before eyeing Cora warily. “What’s up?”

“Officer O’Connor and I came to follow up on the request for more photos of Lindsey.” Cora reached into her pocket and pulled out the picture she’d taken from the memorial board at the gym. The selfie showed a grinning Lindsey with the corner of John Brady’s window in the background.

Slice glanced at it, and turned back to the car engine, mumbling, “I don’t have anything else.”

“Are you sure?” Cora sidled up to the car to show him the picture again. “It’s very important. This was taken outside of John Brady’s house the night of his murder. How did you get this one?”

Slice shrugged, then started adjusting a valve on the engine. “Lindsey texted me pictures all the time. That was one of them.”

“You said you’d look for more when I asked you at lunch Monday,” Liam pointed out, joining them at the car. Up until now, Bear had remained in his corner, but he rose from his chair and began lumbering over.

“I haven’t had a chance to look,” Slice said, tugging on the collar of his gray coveralls. “Been busy.”

“You said you didn’t have any other photos,” Cora told him, crossing her arms. “Now you’re saying you haven’t even looked. Which is it?”

“He’s busy,” Bear said tersely. “That’s your answer. He’ll get to it when he gets to it. Now, you and your partner best run along. We got work to do.”

Cora’s color began to rise, and Liam could tell she was about to go into feist mode. “All we’re asking for is photos.” She glared at Bear, then turned back to Slice and said evenly, “It shouldn’t be that hard to—”

“Yeah, well, it is,” Slice interrupted, stuffing a corner of the oil rag into his pocket. “I don’t want to look at pictures of her right now, okay? It just reminds me she’s gone and never coming back.” He glanced away, a muscle ticking in his jaw. Then he cleared his throat and said, “I transferred them all onto my laptop right after I sent that one to her friend at the gym for their memorial board. Figured it would be easier if I didn’t have to see her every time I opened my phone.”

“And the laptop?” Cora asked. “Where is it now?”

“I’m not sure,” Slice said with a tinge of annoyance. “I never use it, so I tossed it in a moving box and left it in a pile of stuff my mom was taking to storage. Like I said, I don’t want to be going through photos of her right now, so—”

“Mr. Biddlesworth,” Cora interrupted. “We don’t have the luxury of ignoring potential leads because we’re sad about what happened. It’s our job to track down a killer. I understand what you must be feeling, and I’m so sorry for your loss, but—”

“Don’t act like you know how I feel,” Slice said angrily. “You didn’t know Lindsey. You have no idea what I’m going through.”

“I do,” Liam said. “I didn’t know Lindsey, that’s true, but I’ve lost someone before. I know exactly how you’re feeling, and that’s why it’s so important for us to get the photos. Not too long ago, Lindsey believed she had a photograph that could help our investigation. It turned out she was wrong, but if there are any others we could analyze, it might help. Maybe there was something she may have missed. More than anyone else, I know you want justice for what happened to your woman. Am I wrong?”

Slice dipped his chin, placing his hands on his hips. After a few moments, he slowly nodded. “Fine. I’ll look tonight when I get off work. If there’s any more of those—” he nodded to the photo Cora was holding “—I’ll let you know.”

“Let’s go now. We’ll help you look,” Cora said, glancing hopefully at the mountain looming over them. “Bear can hold down the fort for an hour while you’re gone, right?”

Bear looked at Cora like she’d just suggested he join a knitting club. “This ain’t teatime, lady. This is a legit place of business, and Slice ain’t gonna drop everything just because you flash a shiny police badge. So, unless you plan to arrest him, or you got a warrant to search his place, you best respect the boy’s time and leave.”

“This isn’t your concern,” Liam said, stepping into Bear’s personal space. “We didn’t come here for you, so I’ll thank you to leave us to our business and go back to your corner.”

Thunder rumbled in Bear’s chest. “Make me.”

Liam braced himself to do just that, but Cora gripped his arm to stop him, never taking her eyes off Bear. Her piercing stare was impressive, and Liam felt a surge of pride. “We’re leaving now, but know this. If you try to hinder this investigation, for whatever reason, I’ll come after you, and you won’t like the consequences.”

Bear smirked, his gaze trailing lazily down her body. “Don’t be so sure, sweet cheeks.”

Enough.Liam balled his hands into fists. It was time someone taught the man some respect. He lurched forward, but Cora blocked his path. “Don’t,” she said. “It’s not worth it.” He glared at Bear over her head. The infuriating man just winked.

“Come on.” She tugged Liam’s arm, and it took all his control not to punch the man’s lights out. With effort, he reined in his emotions and turned back to Slice. “Call us as soon as you find anything.”

Slice nodded, swallowing nervously. From the way he glanced back and forth between him and Bear, it was clear he didn’t want trouble. Neither did Cora, which was why Liam let her lead him back to the car without another word.

Bear followed behind them like a guard dog, stopping at the edge of the carport to watch them leave with his sinewy arms crossed over his massive chest.

“I don’t like the way that man speaks to you.” Liam watched him from the side mirror as they drove away. “Someone needs to teach him manners the good old-fashioned way.”

“And what might that be?” Cora asked with a laugh. It warmed his heart to see her smiling again. “Wash his mouth out with soap?”
