Page 46 of Safe in His Arms

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“Good,” Elliot said with satisfaction. “Now, let’s talk through your options.”

* * *

As Elliot ranthrough the options for going forward, Megan’s mind swam with too much information, and she struggled to retain any of it.

“Wait, wait, slow down,” she said. “Can you repeat that please?”

“I asked if you’d be interested in filing for a restraining order,” Elliot told her. “I know it won’t physically keep Mr. Wentworth away from you, but if he violates it, we’ll have more to use against him if the case goes to court.”

“What would I need to do?” she asked, thinking this all sounded like she’d be keeping Charles in her life for much longer than she’d planned. If only she could pretend he didn’t exist, but that was no longer an option, and she’d been selfish to ever consider it.

“Write and sign an affidavit, then your lawyer can handle the rest.” Elliot raised a bushy gray brow. “Do you have a lawyer?”

She fought the urge to crawl under Tione’s bed and hide with Pixie until everyone left. It seemed she’d have to come clean with her mother after all. She could never afford a lawyer, other than the ones she was related to.

“My mother is in criminal law. I’ll ask her to help.”

She noticed Kat and Tione exchange glances, and ducked her head because she didn’t want to know whatever they were silently communicating with each other.

“Good. Glad to hear you’ve got that under control.” Elliot seemed oblivious to the undercurrent rippling through the room. “Here’s what will happen next. I’ll photograph those bruises on your arms and the cut on your face—I assume that is also Mr. Wentworth’s work?”

She nodded to confirm.

“Do you have any evidence that he has previously assaulted you?”

“We have photos,” Kat broke in, looking apologetic. “Remember those ones I took when you first arrived?” To Elliot, she said, “They show the damage to her face and body, including a lot of bruising around her ribs. We think a couple of them may have been fractured, but she wouldn’t go to the hospital.”

“Would’ve been no point,” Megan muttered. “Nothing they can do for them anyway.”

“No, but it would have been more evidence to use against your ex,” Tione said.

She felt her face flame. “Can you not gang up on me right now please?”

They fell silent.

Elliot shifted awkwardly in place and continued. “I’ll want copies of those photographs, and if you have any threatening texts, messages, or emails, that would help, too.”

Megan closed her eyes. “I threw out my phone.”

Couldn’t she do anything right?

“If he sent you emails or messages on an online app, someone will still be able to access them,” Tione said, a flush crawling up his cheeks when they all turned to look at him. “I watch a few true crime shows.”

Huh. She frowned. There was no television in the cabin. Perhaps he watched them in the lodge, but that was hardly relevant, so she let the thought go.

“I don’t think he ever explicitly threatened me in writing,” she said, disappointed not to be of more use. “He implied it, but he was subtle.”

Elliot made a sound in the back of his throat, like he was thinking. “Every little bit helps in a case like this. Once we’ve got all the evidence we can, including a written statement from you, we’ll issue an arrest warrant. Keep in mind that we won’t be able to prosecute him here. The case will be heard in court in the location where the offending occurred, which for you, is Auckland.”

Her shoulders slumped. Seriously? She’d gone through all of this only for one of Charles Senior’s buddies to hear the case and dismiss it, or somehow make it vanish before she even reached the courtroom?

“Hey now, what’s all this about?” Elliot asked when her face fell.

“He’s never going to get what he deserves, is he?” she said, feeling defeated.

“Of course he will.” The gruff policeman patted her back awkwardly. “He’s not the only ones with friends in Auckland, missy. I don’t look like much, but there was a time when this old dog was one of the best officers in the city. I have friends aplenty in the legal system, and I’ll drop a word in the right ear to make sure no funny business goes on behind closed doors.”

Tears welled in her eyes. “You will?” She sniffed, and tried to get herself under control. “Thank you, that’s so sweet.”
