Page 77 of If Only You Knew

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He breathed her in. “I can hardly believe it.”

“You’d better believe it.” She turned her face and kissed him. Once. Twice. “Because it’s true.” She snuggled closer. “How long do you think we have before she comes back?”

He strained his ears. “I’d say about ten seconds.”

She kissed the side of his mouth, then the other side. “When I get you alone—”

“Michael!” Izzy broke in. “Can you read me a story?”

Laughing, Bex pulled away from him. “Later,” she promised.

And then the three of them settled on Izzy’s bed and started a new nighttime tradition. One that filled Michael with warmth and contentment down to his very bones, and lasted for a long, long time.

Epilogue – several months later


Bex spun around in time to see Izzy hurl herself into Wesley’s arms as he came through the front entrance of the home she shared with Michael. They’d moved into his place a couple of months ago, and rented out the apartment at the gym to a young couple who were new to the area.

“Happy birthday, princess.” Wesley hoisted her into the air and she squealed. He looked tired, with blue shadows beneath his eyes, but he wore a wide smile as he lowered their daughter to the ground. A gift-wrapped package protruded from one pocket, and Izzy eyed it. She tugged at his hand.

“Come see what Mummy and Michael got me. Lian and Dawn are here too, doing a sleepover.”

He laughed. “I’ll be there in two minutes. Just let me say hello to everyone first.” She nodded, and raced back to her bedroom. Wesley turned to Bex. “Good to see you.” Leaning forward, he dropped a kiss on her cheek. “Where’s Michael?”

“In the kitchen, making snacks to go with the movie the girls have chosen. How was the drive?”

“Same as usual.” He’d taken the afternoon off so he could come up from Wellington after spending the morning in a parliamentary session. Parliament was occupying more and more of his time since he’d been elected prime minister, and she could see it was a strain on him. But when it came to Izzy, he always showed up. Soon after Wesley and Izzy had met, he and Bex had agreed to get ahead of the situation by issuing a statement to the press about Izzy’s parentage. Bex had been terrified. It had pushed her trust in Wesley to the limit, but he’d come through. Honestly, she couldn’t have asked for better.

Well, except maybe Michael. Her gaze drifted over to her man as he wandered into the room, hands in his pockets, looking dark, gorgeous, and delicious as hell. He’d been offered a permanent contract at the school and decided to stay in the bay—a fact she couldn’t be more pleased about. His parents still had reservations about the unconventional situation, but they were slowly thawing. It was difficult to withstand Izzy’s charm for long, and Bex was confident they’d eventually come around completely.

“Hey, Wes,” Michael said, shaking his brother’s hand.

“Michael,” Wesley acknowledged. “If you two don’t mind, I might spend some time with the girls before the movie starts.”

“Sure thing.” Bex watched him go. Once he was out of sight, she slunk up to Michael and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Hi, handsome. Long time, no see.”

Dipping his head, he brushed a kiss over her lips. “When do you think they’ll want to get started?”

She pressed her body into his. “Ten minutes at most.”

A sexy grin spread across his face, and his baby blues twinkled down at her. “I have some thoughts about how we can fill those ten minutes.”

A surge of love and affection blasted through her, the strength of it nearly taking her out at the knees. It was a good thing he held her steady. She adored this man. He’d gone from cleaning up the dinner dishes, to preparing chips and dip for a bunch of little girls, to seducing her, within the space of an hour.

He was amazing. And he was all hers.

“I’d love to hear all about them,” she murmured, drawing him closer and kissing him with all the warmth and fire in her soul. “But most of all,” she added. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Bex,” he said, expression serious. “And I will for every day of the rest of my life. That, I can promise.” He nodded toward the empty laundry room, their favorite rendezvous spot. “You game?”

She grinned. “Oh, I’m so game.”
