Page 20 of The Forbidden Mate

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I settled on a simple, “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

She moved on quickly to the next file. “This is Elizabeth Eastwood,” she said, opening the folder to reveal a picture of a redhead with glasses and green eyes. “She’s a lawyer from the Southeast pack.”

I pulled the folder closer, noting the freckles sprinkled across her nose. “She’s cute.”

Jessica didn’t say anything else, so I flipped through her folder. She seemed intelligent, something I definitely considered an asset.

“Let’s add her to the maybe pile.”

“Got it.” She moved on, again impressing me with her knowledge of the contestants. After reviewing a few more applications, she paused.

“What is it?” I asked, leaning forward.

“This one is from the Pacific Northwest pack.”


“It's theonlyone from that pack. Reagan James.” She looked up at me, and I could practically see the wheels turning in her mind.

“Markus’s daughter?”

Jessica nodded her head. “Pretty sure. It makes sense he would send someone close to him.”

“I agree.” Jessica was astute, I had to give her that. She’d only been part of the fold for six months, but she’d caught on quickly. Of course, her father being an alpha likely gave her an advantage, insight into how things worked in our world. “I’m almost certain she’s his younger daughter. Let’s put her in the yes pile.”

“Really? Why?” She cleared her throat. “I mean I don’t disagree… I’m just curious.”

“She’s the only contender from the pack. Markus would take it as a personal attack if we didn’t accept the application, especially after what happened during Holden’s Contention. He’s one of the main alphas—if not the most important alpha—to bring around to our side.” Markus’s oldest daughter, Sydnee, had been a front-runner in the Contention yet had ended up losing her life in a challenge. Honestly, I didn’t see how we couldn’t accept Reagan’s application when we needed Markus’s support.

A smile pulled at Jessica’s lips. “Smart man.”

I grinned. “I didn’t get where I am today by being an idiot.”

She laughed, a light tinkling sound that washed over me, settling some of the remaining nerves I had at reviewing the applications.

“Who’s next?”

“Ashely Lambert.” She handed me the folder. “Tiny little thing.”

I flipped it open. She was right. The pale brunette wasn’t even five feet tall—unusual for a shifter. “She looks pretty fierce, though. I’d be interested to see her up against Casey.”

Jessica huffed out a shocked laugh, but I just shrugged. “What? I can’t enjoy a bit of entertainment along the way?”

“It is your Contention…” She moved the folder to the maybe pile then grabbed another. “This is Melissa McHaffie. She’s from my own pack.”

I raised a brow. “What are your thoughts?”

“She’s shrewd. Intelligent. Willing to go to great lengths to get what she wants.”

Interesting. She was pretty, of average height, dark hair streaked with blonde but a few shades darker than Jessica’s. “She’s a yes.”

Jessica paused. “May I ask why?”

“A few cutthroat women will keep people on their toes.”

“I’m not sure what to think, Mr. Kingsman,” she teased. “Are you out to find a mate or to watch these women duke it out?”

