Page 101 of Seeley

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To that, he chuckled as he rolled off of me.

“Yet, right?” he asked a minute later as he came out of the bathroom.


“You said you’re not ready to be a mom… yet, right?” he asked. “Ama,” he pressed, making me realize I was, well, ogling him in all his naked glory.

“Sorry. That,” I said, waving at him, “is distracting. Yes. Yet. I always wanted to be a mom,” I reminded him.

“Just checking to see if that changed.”

“No. Not changed. But life is going to have to be very different before I am ready for that step. And, well, I don’t want to raise it where I am. Or in this room,” I added, waving around. “As nice as it is.”

“The guys who get serious with a woman always end up moving out. They’re all close, but they all want the kids to have somewhat normal lives. I think most of us missed out on that, so we want to give it to our kids. As normal as we can, anyway.”

“What?” I asked when he stared at me.

“That’s… distracting,” he told me, waving at my body that I hadn’t bothered to hide under the blanket when he went into the bathroom. Mostly because I needed to run in there too and prevent a UTI.

“Well, if you can’t handle it,” I said, flipping the sheet over me.

“Oh, no you don’t,” he said, yanking it off of me. And then the bed, then dropping down next to me, nuzzling his face into my neck. “I can smell me on you,” he said, making me aware of his cologne. The same one he’d always worn. Ever since we were young. Maybe because I always told him I liked it. I even made him spray my hoodie with it sometimes. “I like it,” he told me, his hand rubbing across my belly.

“Me too,” I admitted.

Was there still a part of me that was worried about his lifestyle? Yes, of course. But the bigger part of me was not going to lose out on the only real happiness I’d ever known because of that.

There were plenty of women with men who had dangerous jobs. Police officers, military, construction workers, even truckers. And they lived with that uncertainty daily. And those men also chose to do a job that they knew came with certain dangers.

Was it really that different?

Maybe it was.

But I was over obsessing over it.

I loved Seeley.

This was what Seeley did for a living.

That was just how it was.

“Honey?” Seeley called.


“You’re going to get a UTI,” he told me, making a big smile spread across my face.

“You’re right,” I agreed, rolling over him, then making my way to the bathroom.

When I came back out, he was holding an arm out at his side like an invitation to snuggle in.

So that was exactly what I did.



I stayed up all fucking night.
