Page 105 of Seeley

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“Those, I shit you not, are his pajamas,” I told her. “Donovan, this is Amaranta. Ama, Donovan.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Amaranta,” Donovan said as he went to the coffee pot.

“You too. Even if you’re making me feel really underdressed,” Ama said as Alaric rolled in too. But only to grab a bottle of water on his way out to the pool. Likely to swim laps.

“That’s him, right?” Ama asked. “You’re right. He’s a little too thin,” she said. “I’m not diagnosing him or anything, but… yeah. Did he used to street race too?” she asked, breaking up the tense silence.

“No. Alaric is Saskia’s brother. And he used to… dance,” I supplied.

“Dance like ballet or tap?”

“Like bowties and not much else,” Donovan explained.

“Oh, well, that kind of makes sense then. About him being overly aware of his body,” she explained. “It must be extra difficult when you’re around food this good all the time,” she added, taking another forkful of her food as Mackie started to climb down his cage again, ready to pluck an entire piece of banana out of Ama’s crêpe.

And it was all just so… easy.

I think a part of me was worried about how she would handle being around the guys. Especially the ones who were actual bikers. But she just… fit in.

Pretty much growing up with me and my guy friends, she’d learned to joke around and keep things light. Which, in turn, made the guys take to her.

“What’s the matter?” I asked when she sighed heavily.

“I never thought I would say this, but I don’t want to go to work,” she told me as she went through her clothes.

We’d taken the SUV back to her apartment after hanging out at the clubhouse for a while, knowing she was going to need to get ready for the clinic eventually. Even though a part of me was dying to just tell her to stay with me for the day.

I knew better than to tell her not to go.

“If it makes you feel better, it’s only a few hours,” I told her.

“It doesn’t. But I have to be back. Dr. Laurier has reached his quota for goodness for the year. Hell, his lifetime. Though, on the plus side, me getting hurt and taking some time off has shown him how valuable I am. I might be getting a raise.”

“That’s amazing, baby.”

“Yeah, I mean I won’t be wearing… shit, I don’t even know any fancy brands anymore,” she admitted as she tossed panties and a bra onto the bed beside me. “But it might help toward my goal.”

“How about… I come by the clinic later?” I offered. “I think my wounds need to be looked at by a professional. One preferably wearing pants that can be pulled down over her plump ass so I can fuck her from behind as thanks for her great bedside manner.”

“Seeley!” she said, eyes going wide in shock and faux outrage, but there was some heat underneath it.

And it didn’t exactly escape me that she picked out a pair of flared leggings that could, very easily, be pulled down over her ass.

“What time is usually best?” I asked.

“Between eleven and twelve. There is always a bit of a rush in the early part of the morning. Kids like to get sick overnight and scare the heck out of their parents.”

“I’ll be there,” I told her.

“Really, you don’t have to. I know you have a life too. You don’t need to visit me at work.”

“Ama, spent all these years wishing I could see you when it wasn’t an option. Now that it is, I want to see you as much as I can.”

“Are you… can you…”


“Are you allowed to sleep over here?” she asked, waving toward her bedroom.
