Page 113 of Seeley

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Banging in the break room was how I found myself in a motherly way in the first place.

I hadn’t told Seeley mainly because we were both so focused on the wedding plans. And some part of me didn’t want to overshadow that. We were on the home run, since neither of us wanted some giant indoor nonsense. We were happy with a barefoot ceremony on the beach followed by a big party back a the clubhouse with Eddie’s amazing cooking. So that was what we were doing.

And I figured I would tell Seeley the news as my wedding gift to him.

Two weeks later, sand still in my hair, that was exactly what I did.

The world had never seen a happier dad-to-be.

Seeley - 10 years

The house was too quiet.

I never thought that I would find silence unsettling.

Then I became a parent.

Who quickly learned that silence signified something sinister going on.

See, well, Ama and I… we’d come together to create offspring that ended up being the perfect combination of the two of us.

We had no idea how much trouble kids with her brains and my guts could be.

“We’re in so much trouble,” Ama said once when we’d been watching the kids scheme together, our oldest standing in the semi circle like a little rebel leader trying to rally her troops. “I think… I think she’s smarter than me already,” she added, shooting me a terrified grimace.

As it would turn out, that kid was smarter than the two of us put together. And her siblings were just as brainy and ballsy as her.

We’d planned on two.

But then we’d had a little baby fever after one of the other guys brought a newborn home again.

So we’d gone for a third. And got a bonus baby in the mix.

So not only were we very much outsmarted, and out-gutted, but we were also outnumbered.

It was a deadly combination.

So the silence was eerie at best as I walked in the door to put down the pizza boxes on the dining room table before moving through the house, searching for my wife, and the kids who may or may not have tied her up, stolen her keys, and gone joy-riding in her car.

“The fuck?” I mumbled as I walked through the house, checking each of the rooms, and seeing nothing. “Hm,” I said, moving out onto the back deck.

And that was when I saw them.

They were all gathered on a big blanket spread in the backyard, sitting in a semicircle around their mother who was reading something by flashlight.

If I had to place a bet, I’d say she was reading them something a little spooky.

As I silently approached, Ama’s lips twitched, knowing I was up to.

“Boo,” I said, trying to be mildly scary, but not overly traumatizing. Even though these kids had no issue traumatizing the shit out of us on a daily basis.

Two of them screeched while the other two turned with an unimpressed look.

“I know, I know, you’re too badass to get scared,” I said to them as I scooped up one of the twins, pulling her up to sit on my shoulder.


We cursed in front of the kids.
