Page 32 of Seeley

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And the thing was, he was genuinely asking. That was the thing with Teddy. He really fucking cared.

It had been a long time since I’d heard that much concern from someone else.

It actually brought the truth out of me.


“Ten minutes,” he assured me. “Eight if my driver is on his game.”

He hung up before I could even thank him for going out of his way so late at night.

I saw the town car half a block away, sleek and expensive, likely drawing the eye of every criminal around, wondering if it would park long enough to strip it.

It rolled up beside me, and the door popped open to reveal Teddy, still in one of his fancy suits, despite the hour, holding a bottle of whiskey and a knowing smile.

“You’re a good man,” I said, trying to slide in without letting out a string of curses, and failing pretty miserably.

“What happened?” Teddy asked, passing me the bottle that I uncapped and took a long swig from.

Sure, I had pain meds just starting to kick in. But if you chased one with a stiff drink, yeah, you didn’t feel much of anything anymore. Physically or emotionally.

Ama would have a stroke about it.

So I went ahead and took another long swig.

“Had a side job tonight,” I told him, figuring Huck and the others had let him in on that little arrangement. Teddy was never directly involved in the shit that went down with the club, save for giving us a safe place to crash if we needed it, but he knew a lot of what went down.

Maybe we should have been more careful with him, but at the end of the day, Teddy was richer than God Himself. He could afford the best lawyers the world had to offer to get him off of any charge. So no one was overly worried about him on that front.

“Not always fun not having your brothers as backup, it seems.”

“The motherfucker was planning on leaving me there, stabbed several times in the fucking stomach,” I said, taking another, smaller, swig.

“Why didn’t you call me sooner? I could have found a doctor for you.”

“Ama is the best around, believe it or not. Figure it might not look like it when she works at a clinic in a bad area. But that’s why she’s the best. Worked her ass off to know how to handle any situation, so she could do that for the people in her neighborhood.”

“And it has nothing at all to do with the fact that you are still clearly very much in love with her,” Teddy said with a smirk as he reached into a hidden compartment and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

Teddy didn’t smoke cigarettes, just the occasional cigar. So he brought those for me as well.

“Just roll down the window,” he demanded as I took them. “Have you talked to Huck yet?” he asked.

“No. I figure it will be better to do it in person. If I know Huck, he will be in Dad-mode, sitting up waiting on me.”

“Sounds like him,” Teddy agreed. “Are you going to need anything else to get you by? I know you’re usually the club’s errand-boy, knowing how and where to get all the shit they might need when recovering from some situation or another. With you down, I’m happy to step in.”

He would, too.

That was the great thing about Teddy.

You could always count on him. For damn near everything.

And where my contacts were all in the illegal, illicit sort, his were just the types that were only privy to the ultra-wealthy.

Doctors willing to prescribe any medicine for the right price point. Hell, having a doctor come to your house and wait on you hand and foot, day and night, if you had the funds for it.

I had no doubts that Teddy could find me the antibiotics, pain meds, dressings, and care that I needed.
