Page 65 of Seeley

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I was unexpectedly nervous as I made my way into her room, wondering if maybe she was going to yell at me to leave. She’d be in her right. But a needy part of me was praying she would just… let me be there for her.

She didn’t have anyone else.

Save for maybe that male nurse at her work.

But it wasn’t the same.

I’d been there for every fever, every stomach bug, every cough, hell, even every bad period.

I knew how to take care of her.

I just wanted her to let me.

Taking a deep breath, I moved past the curtain separating her bed from the rest of the room.

Then there she was.

Looking out of place being the oneina hospital bed.

Her gown and the bed both swallowed her up. And I had no idea if it was the lights or the surgery, but she looked pale. Then there were the bruises under her eyes, on her cheek, around her throat.

Then, of course, there was the cast on her arm.

I had to take slow, deep breath’s to try to fight against the rage that was building inside of me.

For a moment, her gaze was averted, looking up at the banana bags hanging and dripping into her arm, likely trying to see what they said.

“Ama,” I called, voice soft. Hell, I could barely even hear it.

But she did.

Her head whipped over, likely making her headache rage and head spin, because she closed her eyes for a second before opening them again.

“Seeley,” she said, her voice sounding like it was close to cracking. “You came.”

“Of course I came,” I said, moving forward, but not invading her space “And I brought chocolates, and books, and fuzzy socks,” I told her as I placed each of them on the table near the side of her bed.

And that, somehow, was what broke her.

“Hey, come on. I know they’ve got bees and not owls, but they’re soft,” I said of the socks, wanting to de-escalate her emotions.

But that only seemed to make shit worse.


Then her good arm was reaching out, reaching for me.

And it was like all the years melted away as I entwined her fingers with mine.



I always found the clinic kind of creepy when it was closed and dark. And because we kept a strange schedule, it was almost always dark when we closed for the night.

But I wasn’t usually the last one out.

It was typically a group thing.
