Page 69 of Seeley

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Right up until the moment of blissful unconsciousness.

Then there was nothing.

Just blackness.

Then an insistent beeping, familiar and annoying, that slowly pulled me out of unconsciousness.

It felt so strange and humbling to be the one in a hospital bed.

I’d always been very healthy. I made sure to stay on top of my yearly appointments, so nothing ever got too bad. I was a careful driver. I looked both ways before crossing the street.

I just never really had reason to end up in a hospital bed.

But I suddenly felt a deep sort of helplessness, knowing I was at the mercy of overworked nurses with too many patients and not enough time.

My vitals looked okay, at least.

And the drips I was attached to looked like fluids and antibiotics. There would likely be pain meds in there too. If not already, then soon after they realized I was awake again.

Tears, unwanted and unexpected, sprang to my eyes.

But then I heard it.

My name.

In his voice.

And for a split second, I thought I was imagining it.

But when my head whipped over, there he was. Looking tired and worried.


“Seeley.” His name croaked out of me. “You came.”

“Of course I came,” he said, moving forward, but not coming close. I knew I was the one who created that distance. But I resented it so much right that moment. “And I brought chocolates, and books, and fuzzy socks,” he told me, pulling the items out of a bag.

That was it.

That was my undoing.

Not just because he was there, because he cared, but because he knew what to bring, what I liked when I was feeling down and out.

The history, that was what got me.

“Hey, come on. I know they’ve got bees and not owls, but they’re soft,” he joked, trying to lighten the mood.

But that was just so… Seeley.

And it made a sob escape me.

“Ama…” he said, looking lost, like he always had when I was upset.

I didn’t stop to think about all the reasons it was a bad idea.

I just raised my arm, reaching out to him.

And he slid his fingers between mine as he moved forward, dropping down at my side.
