Page 74 of Seeley

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She slept at her apartment.

“I need to wash the hospital off of me,” she told me as she dropped her purse on the floor near the door.

“You can’t,” I reminded her. “You have a cast on.”

“I will shower with it out of the shower.”

“Yeah, because that always works,” I said, rolling my eyes at her. “I will wrap it up. I had an arm in a cast for six weeks a few years back. I learned to make a couple grocery bags and duct tape work for me.”

“How’d you break your arm?”

“Well, that’s a fucking embarrassing story,” I said, shaking my head at myself.

“And now youhaveto tell me,” she said, smile warm and amused and so much like the old Ama I once knew that my heart ached in my chest.

“I was playing fucking volleyball on the beach.”

“You weren’t,” she said, beaming even brighter.

“I was. Don’t ask me how Harmon and Sass talked me into it, but they did. I tripped over someone’s fucking folding chair, and down I went.”

“Who’s… never mind,” she said, turning away from me.

Who was Harmon and Sass.

That was what she wanted to know.

And the reason she said never mind was because she thought they were chicks I’d hooked up with.

I mean, I’d been no saint. Anyone would tell you that. I played the field.

I never thought I’d ever fucking see Ama again.

So I tried to forget.

And, yeah, there were women she maybe wouldn’t want to know about, Harm and Sass were not them.

“Harmon is Huck, the president’s wife. Saskia is Che’s wife. Then McCoy is with Bella. And you met Remy’s girl.”

“Lark,” Ama recalled.


“She seemed so normal.”

I knew what she was saying, without exactly saying it. That she didn’t understand how normal girls like Lark ended up with arms-dealing bikers. And, to a degree, that was fair. Average, everyday women didn’t tend to want to be involved with someone in a life of crime.

“The heart wants what it wants, I guess,” I said. Mine always did. Her. Even though I knew I couldn’t have her. “And maybe Lark isn’t so normal after all. She met Remy when she was breaking some dogs out of a dog-fighting ring.

“Then there was Saskia, who used to be a street racer. Then a wheelman as she got older.

“Bella was a normal girl until someone forced her to try to kill McCoy.”

“Wait… what?”

“Yeah. Long story. But that’s their meet-cute. Attempted murder. I guess Harmon is the only normal one. She’s a streamer. As a job. Comes from old money, but hates her family.”

“And she’s okay with her husband’s work?”
