Page 81 of Seeley

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And there was Eddie.

A somewhat husky Mexican guy with black hair and the kindest eyes I think I’d ever seen.

His arms were loaded down with trays. And Seeley came in behind him carrying two insulated bags of more goodies.

“So, you’re the famous Dr. Stone,” Eddie said. “Levee said you were pretty. The man needs glasses, clearly, ‘cause you’re fucking gorgeous,” he said. And I couldn’t help it. I was immediately charmed.

I mean… a man who cooked and was ready with the compliments? What was there not to like?

“My man said we are gonna have a slumber party,” Eddie said as he placed his food all across my kitchen counters. “I’ve always wanted one of them. Food. Gossip. I don’t know how you’re going to pull off a pillow fight with only one good arm, but we are going to have to make do.”

“You’re not sleeping here,” Seeley said, rolling his eyes.

“Hey, man, don’t kill my dreams here. I am going to be a part of a pajama-clad pillow fight in this life if it fucking kills me.”

I couldn’t stop the smile that tugged at my lips at that.

“I mean, I could use to have my toenails painted,” I said, nodding.

“See, man? She’s down. Okay so, we got mashed potatoes. With the skins. Because they’re better. And we got macaroni and cheese. Over here, I got some fried chicken, and I don’t want to hear shit about the grease. Not after you nearly got your throat slit. Oh, and cornbread. Gotta have cornbread, am I right?

“Don’t worry, Doc, I can see you’re worried about the lack of green. So I have some green beans over here. Never you mind what they’re marinated in.”

“And your man over here said you like chocolate. So I got a couple of chocolate desserts for later. Shit. What’d I do?” Eddie asked, eyes turning to saucers when I felt tears swimming in my eyes.

“She’s not upset,” Seeley insisted.

“No? ‘Cause where I’m from, waterworks are not a good sign.”

“She’s a little overwhelmed,” Seeley said. “And she probably hasn’t had a home-cooked meal in, fuck, a decade.”

“For real?” Eddie asked, sounding downright offended by that. “That’s not gonna work. Come on, let’s make you a plate. Then we can sit down and talk about all your favorite foods, so your boy Eddie can start dropping some by to you on occasion. No, no, I don’t want to hear any arguing,” he insisted, waving my nonexistent objections away. “I like to cook. And I’m always cooking for these fucks. They should have some nights away from my cooking so they remember to appreciate it.”

“I’m sure they appreciate you,” I told him as he loaded my plate with more food than I had probably eaten all week, and I was just going to let myself enjoy it without any guilt. “And I certainly do,” I added.

“I like her,” Eddie declared, looking over at Seeley. “Are you gonna eat before you head out or no?”

“Like I could ever refuse a plate.”

“Not unless you wanted to break my heart, man,” Eddie said, getting a chuckle out of Seeley.

It was the first time I got to see Seeley with his found family. And as much as a part of me still had issues with Seeley from all those years ago, the part of me that watched him get knocked around by his father and emotionally beat down by his mother, yeah, that part of me was swelling with happiness for him.

Whatever my feelings were about his chosen lifestyle aside, Seeley was a good man. And he deserved to have people around who loved him and looked after him.

“Okay. I have to go grab a shower before heading out,” Seeley said a while later after Eddie forced another plate at each of us before being satisfied that we appreciated his cooking enough. “I will be back after,” he said, giving me a reassuring nod, before giving Eddie a look I wasn’t sure I knew how to interpret.

“Yeah, man. I got this. Where’s the nail polish?” he asked, looking over at me.

“You don’t have to come back if you’re—“ I started, making Seeley stop halfway to the door, turning and giving me a raised brow look.

“I’ll be back after the meeting.”

With that, he was gone.

“I gotta ask,” Eddie said when Seeley was gone. “That dark and broody thing, that works for you? See, me, I am an outgoing sort of guy. But from what I’m seeing, the guys like Seeley are always getting the honeys.”

“I can’t speak for everyone,” I said. “But I think what women find appealing is effort. And attention to detail. And guys who don’t treat us like trash.”
