Page 50 of In Their Hands

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If Nora was going to cry on anyone, it would be me. I’d earned those tears. Her scream of pleasure had been for me, not him.

My hands closed around her shoulders, and I had to pry her away from Luca. She sobbed and thrashed, fighting me so that she could stay with him.

I pulled her into a tight embrace, trapping her smaller frame in my confining arms.

“Hush now, little bird. We’re done here.”

I frowned when she cried harder, twisting in my grip.

Maybe using her like this was a mistake. Maybe I should flay Luca, after all.

I looked over at him, and I knew I had no better path open to me. His eyes shined with a murderous glint and something morevulnerable. Nora wasn’t the only one reduced to tears, although Luca’s seemed to be more from impotent fury than hurt.

A cruel, triumphant grin stretched my lips, and I lifted Nora up in my arms. She covered her face with her hands and cried, so I tucked her closer to my chest, comforting her.

My wife would come to accept my sadistic needs. She would learn to love the dark pleasure I offered her. One day soon, she’d beg me to fuck her in front of Luca, and he would know who her true master was. He would know that I’d claimed his bride, his birthright. I had taken everything from him, but he would pay even more dearly.

He’d murdered my brother. For that, I would shatter his soul.

And I would use Nora to break him.
