Page 30 of Leaving Home

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It is, however, entirely possible that they make her a widow and claim her afterwards, so I am aware that just the act of marrying her will place a target on my head, a very big target at that. My security and that of my family has been increased and is now three times the size it was yesterday, and not for the first time I feel extreme gratitude for what my family are doing to support me.

My brothers mean everything to me, we have all been through so much together and knowing that they have my back, especially with something that has the potential to be extremely dangerous to us all, just shows me how much they care. It is something that I will never, ever be able to repay.

It is after one in the morning when the plane hits the tarmac, and we all breathe a sigh of relief to be back in our home city. Disembarking the plane, we have a motorcade of cars and security waiting. Stephen and Shaun go separately to their secure locations and Jake rides with me to see Frankie.

I know it is late, but I also know that she will be awake, and I can’t wait a moment longer. Now that the time has come, I feel nervous but I want Frankie more than anything I have ever wanted before. I put my hand in my pocket, feeling the square velvet box with my fingers, knowing that tonight changes everything.

My car pulls up and Jake follows me to the door. He looks around the street, but it is dark, silent and nearly empty, apart from a few cars, one full of our people and one full of Sebastian’s.

Together, we stand at the door as I buzz Frankie’s apartment. I look toward the camera that is well-hidden in the top right-hand corner of the door, so she can see that it is me. Within seconds, I hear the familiar click of the door as it unlocks that lets me know that she is awake and is letting me in.

Jake and I move inside and climb the stairs to the second level. Jake stops outside her door and lets me take the rest of the journey solo. He shakes my hand before wishing me good luck and turning back so that he can look after our safety, even after I have asked him for so much. I am sure that I owe him big time for everything, and I will need to think of a way to repay him tenfold.

Frankie opens the door, and I look down at her. The light is shining on her from above and she is wearing a loose white shirt and jeans with her converse sneakers on. Her hair is pulled back into a braid, and the minute she sees me she leaps into my arms and her legs wrap around my waist. We kiss passionately. I have been dying to taste her all week, and it appears she feels the same way. My hands palm her ass and her arms cling to my neck as I walk us inside and kick the door closed with my foot. Once inside, I place her gently on her feet, and I notice a gun poking out from her jeans. My eyes flick from the gun to her, and I raise my eyebrow in question.

She shrugs. “Once a mobster, always a mobster,” she jokes as she takes it out from her jeans and turns to place the gun on the coffee table. As she turns back around to me, I am already down on one knee and she gasps, her hands both rushing to cover her mouth in surprise, her eyes are wide, shock evident on her face.

“Francesca Romano. Frankie. Baby. I have never in my life met a woman like you. You drive me crazy, I think about you constantly, you take my breath away and I need you like I need air to breathe. I want you today, I want you tomorrow, and I want you forever. Will you marry me?”

She stands there, her hands still covering her mouth, eyes wide looking at me, not saying anything. I am not sure if she is really in a state of shock or if she is going to say no. So I wait. I wait for her to say something. Anything. Clearly, she wasn’t expecting this at all and I like that I surprised her. I open the box and the large diamond ring glistens in the light. Her eyes flick quickly to the ring and then back to me. Her hands still haven’t moved and she is still wide-eyed.

“What?” she whispers back through her hands, looking at me terrified, her eyes starting to well up with tears that are not yet falling.

“Baby, I cannot get you out of my mind. You are all I think about. You are my person; you are it for me, baby. I think these last few weeks have proven that I can’t stay away from you. You own me, heart, body, and mind. Marry me, baby, let’s get married tomorrow. Once you are mine, no one can take you away from me, no one,” I say, reiterating my need to be with her and to make her mine.

‘You’re insane,” she whispers back.

“Is that a yes?” I ask as a prod, not sure if everything I have just done tonight is in vain because I am starting to feel uneasy at her silence. I am just about to stand, my heart plummeting into my stomach, deep gut wrenching sorrow starting to claw up my spine. But before I can, she launches herself at me, tackling me, her arms wrap around my neck, her body smashing into mine and we both fall to the floor. I lie on my back stunned for a moment before I realize that Frankie is on top of me, peppering me with kisses all over saying, “yes, yes, yes, yes”, over and over, and I begin to laugh.

I sit up, her in my arms straddling me, her legs on either side of mine and pick up the ring box that fell on the floor beside me. I grab her left hand and place the ring, a stunning 10 carat cushion cut on a band of diamonds, onto her finger. I am not sure if she likes it, but it seems fitting for a mob princess who is now going to be my queen.

I look at her and see tears running silently down her cheeks. I cup her cheeks to catch her tears and look lovingly at her. I am full of admiration for this woman, and I can’t wait to make her mine.

“Do you know what this means?” she whispers, no doubt referring to the dangerous position I have just put us both in.

I nod at her. “This means that you are mine. You are my Queen,” I state proudly and with no tone for any disagreement before taking her lips in mine.

We kiss, softly at first then more passionately, right here on her living room floor. I have her in my arms, my hands roaming her body, wanting to ensure it is real, that we are really here together.

I suddenly pull back and look at her.

“Frankie,” I start, staring at her. One of my hands has a firm grip on her waist, the other is running down her hair and cheek, over and over, memorizing her. She looks at me, waiting for me to continue.

“Can you take out your contacts? I want to see your eyes, baby.” I want her. All of her. I want to see into those eyes, those deep brown eyes that stared back at me from the photo that I saw just days ago.

She smiles softly and gets up from my lap, reaching out a hand to me, I grab it and get up off the floor and then follow her to her bedroom. She sits me on her bed and turns and walks into the bathroom and removes her contact lenses. In a few moments, she comes back to me. Standing in front of me, she positions herself in between my legs and then she kneels and looks up at me. The bedside lamps are on and a soft warm glow of light passes across her face, and I stare into the most beautiful, big brown eyes I have ever seen.

I look at her and smile. I see her, I really see her for the first time and I reach out, grab her by the neck and pull her to me. I kiss her and kiss her and then kiss her some more, not being able to get enough. My tongue tangles with hers, and she meets me with fever.

I drop my hands to her waist and pull her up to me, and we both lie on the bed, in a tangle of limbs. Our hands pull at the other’s clothes, trying to remove them quickly, wanting nothing to be in between us, now that her last barrier has gone.

I rip open her shirt, causing buttons to fly around the room and then make quick work of her jeans. She has my shirt undone, and I quickly sit up and pull it off my shoulders, throw away my pants and make my way back to her, where she is lying on the bed.

I stalk over her body, taking my time looking over every inch of her. Starting at her feet, I kiss her ankles, the sensitive area at her knees and then move inwards, before I lick the inside of her thighs and then my tongue finds her center. I pull her lace panties down slowly and she kicks them off before I begin to devour her completely.

My assault is slow and deliberate in the beginning, but our need for each other is strong and her hips move, her hands tangle in my hair, and we both get lost in the desire we have for each other. She explodes on my tongue, and I suck on her clit as she convulses. I quickly move further up her body as she shakes and comes down from her high.

But I don’t stop, I can’t stop, and as I move upwards and I capture her lips in mine at the same time that I thrust into her, not able to wait, not able to go slow, only wanting her.
