Page 17 of Building Home

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“Hey, Issy. Sorry, I know it is late, but we have a situation.”

“What’s wrong? What happened?” I know we didn’t have any events tonight; in fact, we don’t have our next one for a few days, so I’m at a loss for what is going on.

“We had a break-in at the office,” she says flatly, exhausted.

“Oh my God, what did they take?” I ask, now suddenly wide awake again and sitting behind my computer to bring up the security camera feed. The screen flashes to life, and I watch as two policemen walk around my office, and Kelly and her husband are both there with them.

“I can see you on the screen,” I say to her, and she looks up at the camera and gives me a wave. She walks over closer to the camera, and we talk to each other while she looks directly at me via the screen.

“That’s the thing, nothing is taken. The only things out of place are some folders on your desk. They were obviously looking for something they think you have and when they couldn't find it, they ran out before the police arrived. The police only knew about it because they tripped the silent alarm that we installed a few months ago.”

“What?” I say in disbelief. I had the silent alarm put in when I started working from home with dad, just for an added level of comfort since I wasn’t working in the office anymore and wasn’t around as much. Now I am glad I did, because it probably prevented a full-blown robbery. “What on earth would they be looking for?” I ask and Kelly shrugs.

“I have no idea. The police have reviewed the security footage, but we can’t see the person's face. They have taken a copy of the footage along with my statement. They have also dusted for fingerprints but haven't found anything. They have finished now, but they want to talk to you.”

“This is crazy, Kelly. I will drive down first thing in the morning.” I’m already moving into my bedroom to pack my bag.

“No, don’t you dare!” she says. “You need time away; you need this break. Nothing was taken or broken, no one has been hurt, everything is fine here. The officers will send a local police officer to you tomorrow morning to ask some standard questions, but seriously, try not to panic about this, it was probably nothing.”

I sigh and rub my face. “Well let's have a team meeting tomorrow. I will dial in, and we can talk to the group first thing, okay?” I say, going straight into boss mode.

“Sure thing, I will set it up.”

“Thanks, Kelly,” I have tears in my eyes because I am beyond exhausted and so tired of everything.

“I love you, Issy, just take care, okay. Stay there as long as you need.” Kelly reassures me, and I see her husband put his arm over her shoulders on camera and give me a little wave. I know she is well looked after there.

“Okay, speak to you in the morning,” I say and hang up the phone. I go back to my computer and bring up the security feed from tonight. She is right, I can see someone enter the building, but they are all in black and there are no lights on. Then they go straight for my desk and look through the drawers, my files and paperwork, like they are searching for something.

They must hear sirens because they look up and then quickly walk out, not touching anything else, before they bolt back out the way they came, and five minutes later, I see the police walk inside. I lean back in my chair and think. Who would want something from me? I think to our competitors, but the industry, although competitive, is not so crazy that they would break in and enter to get any files or information. I think about my circle of friends and acquaintances, but having no known enemies or any disagreements with clients or vendors, I am at total loss of who is breaking into my office in the middle of the night and what they want from me.

A cold shiver runs through my body, and I get up and stand closer to the fire, warming my hands, and once again, I’m grateful that Jake could cut so much wood for me. I rub my temples to try and ease the incoming headache away. What is going on? My life is just one turmoil after another. I am not sure how much more I can take.

Looking at the clock, it is just at 3am, and I sigh, knowing that I won’t get any sleep now. So, I walk back to the kitchen. Blueberry muffins and a chocolate cake are both on my agenda.



I slept like a baby last night after my evening with Isabelle, and I walk downstairs to the kitchen just after 8am. Wanting to get some fresh air into the cabin, I go to the front door and open it, and am just about to walk back to the kitchen to put on the coffee when I notice a small basket at my door.

Opening the screen door, I lean over and lift the picnic basket and the most amazing smell hits my nostrils, and I know it must be from Isabelle. I look over to her cabin and see it quiet, so I take the basket inside and place it on the kitchen bench. Opening it, I unfold the towels that are on top and then I am greeted by a large selection of breads, croissants, blueberry muffins, and I think some chocolate cake.

What time does this woman get up in the morning to bake all this? Grabbing my coffee and a croissant, I sit at the kitchen bench and take a bite as I look out my window to her cabin. The croissant is delicious, the perfect blend of flaky and freshness, and even though she is obviously a fantastic businesswoman, I think a career in the food industry should be her next step. But the glorious feeling I have with the delectable food is short-lived because I see a patrol car pull up in her driveway, and before I realize it, my boots are on, and I am striding across to her cabin.

She opens the door and greets Phil, our local sheriff. As he walks inside, she looks up and sees me walking towards her. Giving me a soft smile, she waits, holding the door open.

“You all right, what happened?” I ask, slightly concerned. Why didn’t she come and get me if something was wrong? I would fucking protect her, no question. I walk up the three stairs and meet her at the door, and I don’t hesitate, I grab her around the waist and pull her to me. Crushing her to my chest, I wrap one hand around her waist tightly and the other on the back of her head, running my hands down her hair. “Are you all right?” Her body relaxes into mine, and she wraps her arms around me. I can feel that she needs my strength. Without removing my hands, I pull back a little and look at her. She looks exhausted, and I run my hand down the side of her cheek. “What happened?” I ask again softly.

“I’m okay, come in,” she says quietly and grabs my hand, leading me inside, just like she did last night.

Phil looks up at me and raises an eyebrow in question. No doubt I will get teased for this little act of romance by the boys at darts.

“Phil.” I shake his hand, trying to be formal, even though we go way back.

“Jake,” he replies. We just saw each other a few days ago when I called in to the station to see him about a darts game. He has been the Sheriff for years and is a great guy who takes darts nights very seriously.

“Can I get anyone a coffee?” Isabelle asks, still wanting to look after everyone even though something clearly happened to her last night.
