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“Belle, it is late, what do you mean you ran into them?”

I dab my eyes and try to pull myself together.

“Oh, us girls worked late at the office, finalizing the event plans for tomorrow night. Richard, his friend, and another guy they didn’t introduce me to, were waiting by my car when I left the office just now. But I am fine, Jake, please don't worry.”

“You need security, Belle. I really don’t like the sound of this. Let me organize a small team for you, just to shadow you until I can get there.” His words make me smile. Not because he wants me to have security but because he said he will be here. I smile and feel calmer at the thought. We haven’t discussed when we will see each other next, and with our work based out of two different cities, I am not sure how it may work, but we always have Hancock.

I flick my eyes to the mirror and notice a car tailing me. It is dark, so I can’t see properly, but I don’t have to see to know who it is. There is no doubt that it is Richard and his friends, and I gasp in surprise as they come closer.

“Belle?” Jake questions me through the phone.

“Jake,” I whisper, “can you just talk to me until I get home, please?”

“Baby girl, what’s wrong, please tell me what is happening?” he asks, desperation in his voice.

“I’m okay, please don’t worry about me. I am fine. Just talk to me. Tell me about Boston,” I ask him, trying to get his attention off me. I don’t know a lot of details about his work, but I do know that he has so much on his plate right now, and I don’t want to add to his troubles.

“Belle, I am organizing a small security team for you. I will give them your home address and they will be there within the hour. They will park out front all night and will follow you around tomorrow. They will be at the event tomorrow night and watch you until I stand them down.”

“Okay,” I say, because right now, security sounds like a good idea.

“I am in New York tomorrow, but then I will come to D.C. It will be okay, baby girl. I got you.”

I nod, even though he can’t see me, and he continues to tell me about the security team and who I am to meet, while I constantly look in my rearview mirror. I don’t tell Jake about the car that follows me. I am positive it is Richard and his friend. That asshole is going to be at the receiving end of my wrath soon enough.



I feel unsettled after talking with Belle earlier tonight, and I have a lot of nervous energy flowing through my body. It is now close to midnight and the club is thumping. Nitro is extremely successful. Stephen is still here most nights, but when he isn’t, usually I am. Tonight though, we are both here as I go over paperwork in my control room while monitoring the security team working.

I have one eye on the security monitors, the other on the paperwork in front of me, but my mind is on Belle. I didn’t like how she sounded earlier, and I am not happy that I can’t be with her. Maybe it is nothing, but I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something is not right with Richard, and that bothers me. I should have punched the guy at the cabin when I had the chance.

I grab the paperwork and head up to Stephen's office, taking the stairs two at a time, trying to expel this energy that is bubbling under the surface of my skin. I need to talk through the new staffing arrangements with him. We have a new team this week, and although they are doing well, there are always teething problems.

I walk in and see him at his desk, but I head to his private bar and get us both a whiskey. We don’t drink much when we work, but I feel like I need it tonight. Stephen walks toward me and together we sit on the chesterfield lounges with our drinks and sign off on the paperwork and cross-check the staffing rosters for the next fortnight.

Sitting back in his chair, Stephen looks at me. “What’s up, brother? Are you worried about tomorrow?”

I look at him, and yes, I should be worried about tomorrow. Flying to New York to attend a Mob Boss memorial service when you were in the room when he was killed is a big fucking stress in my life, but it isn’t what is on my mind at the moment.

“Yes, and something is up with Belle.” I rub my chin and sip my whiskey. After speaking with her earlier, I wasted no time in preparing a team in D.C., and they are out front of her house right now on watch. I could be totally overreacting, but I heard her voice tonight. She was frightened, and that has me worried.

“Has she left your grumpy ass already?” he says jokingly, and I do crack a smile, because we have been apart from each other for only a few days, and I am itching to see her. I know she feels the same. What we are going to do about it long term, I have no idea, but I can’t think about that now.

“I spoke to her earlier, and her ex is giving her trouble. She sounded off, so I arranged security,” I state, not wanting to sugarcoat it.

“Seriously? Is she okay?” Stephen is concerned, and I am grateful to have his support, even though he has yet to meet her, and she is a new addition into my hectic life.

“Yeah, they are watching her house. She says she is okay. It’s just that something feels off, I just can’t put my finger on it.”

“Trust your gut, man, if we have learned anything over the years, it’s that we need to trust our gut.”

“That’s what I am afraid of. I am going to D.C. after we get done with the memorial tomorrow. I need to scope things out.”

Stephen nods.

“Molly and I got invited to an event down in D.C. tomorrow night, actually.”
