Page 22 of My Destiny

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He raises his head slightly and looks at me in the eyes. “Coming for you,” he wheezes.

I don’t hesitate for a moment longer, grabbing my knife and slicing it across his throat. Then I walk out of the room, leaving him to bleed out on the concrete floor.

My shoulder needs a doctor, and I need Little Red.



I am relaxing in Dante’s big bed. It is late, but my head is propped up on his soft headboard as I think back to his lips on mine. It is a memory that I have been reliving all day, and so as I devour yet another book about Italy, I can’t help but wonder what he feels about me. Engrossed in a page about Sicilian cooking, I jump when the bedroom door flies open, watching open-mouthed as he struts through the room and into the bathroom, his face hard, and his eyes angry.

My heart pounds and adrenaline pumps through my body as I scramble off the bed, rushing to follow him. I stop suddenly, speechless as I stand in silence at the bathroom door. He peels his now red, wet shirt off his body, surveying his torso in the mirror.

There is so much blood. My eyes roam him from top to bottom, looking for wounds or gashes, but I can’t see anything but blood. He looks at me then, eyeing me, watching to see what my next move is.

After a moment, I position my small body in between his and the bathroom vanity and turn on the tap, filling the basin with water and wetting a cloth. His attention stays on me, his jaw is clenched, his eyes searching my face, his nostrils flaring. I say nothing. I don’t ask questions, because I know he won’t answer me anyway.

I begin to wipe his bare chest with the wet cloth, clearing the blood and searching for any sign of damage. The bathroom light shines down on us from above, and I can now clearly see the array of black ink covering his body. His muscles are carved, built broad and strong, and he has scatterings of scars that make him even sexier. His battle wounds of sorts. My hands shake a little as I touch his skin, setting my own on fire in the process.

He is tall, so I reach up on my tiptoes to wipe down his shoulders, his chest glistening in the lights from the blood and water. My hands move gently over his hot skin as I try to concentrate on ensuring he is okay and not the fact that I am now touching his bare chest.

His hands close around my waist, and before I know it my feet are off the ground as he sits me on the vanity. It brings me high enough that we are now nearly face to face. He doesn’t drop his hands, instead they remain warm against my waist, and he steps forward, even closer to me, his hips spreading my legs apart and positioning his body flush with mine.

I look up at him and stop mid-wipe as his hand comes up to my neck, tilting my head back slightly, and he pushes my hair off my shoulders. As it falls down my back, he leans in. My heart thumps out of my chest as my hands rest near his shoulders. I can feel my nipples peaking against his chest as his lips barely skim across the sensitive skin of my neck, and I am sure he can feel them too. He growls then, a low, deep growl that vibrates down my spine. My sex begins to throb in response, and I can’t help the small whimper that leaves my mouth, my body now completely reacting to his desire.

I don’t dare move, but my hands tremble on his shoulders, and I want so badly to dig them into his hair as his head remains buried in my neck. I feel him take deep breaths, like he is drowning in my scent, and I am grateful that I had a shower before bed tonight. Without thinking, I tilt my head farther, giving him more access, and his nose drags from behind my ear to my shoulder, making me shiver.

“Dante,” I whisper, the effect he has on me stifling. I try not to moan his name because just this small act of attention has me undeniably aroused.

“What did I tell you about saying my name like that, Little Red?” he growls into my ear, as he continues brushing his nose and lips against my neck. My mind has turned to mush, but understanding washes over me from one of our previous conversations about kissing me like a man should.

His other hand travels up my torso, feeling every curve and dip before it lands on the other side of my face, and he pulls back slightly, cupping my face in his large hands. His eyes look deep into mine, and I hold my breath as I stare back at him.

“Say my name like that again, Little Red…” he says to me in his baritone voice, and my lips part on a breath.

“Dante,” I breathe out, and barely have time to complete the word before his lips are on mine.

He is dominating, demanding, and I get lost in the passion as his tongue delves into my mouth and begins to tangle with mine. It is like nothing I have ever experienced before. I feel his need, his want for me through every touch. It is like we are drowning and neither one of us wants to come up for air.

His grip on my face remains solid, and he lifts my face farther to meet his. I hang onto his wrists tight, still not sure what part of his body is injured, so I don’t know where to touch. Even though I want to touch every inch.

He pulls away then, both of us panting, my eyes searching his.

“Fuck,” he says before bowing his head a little. I watch him as he steps away from me and turns on the shower, letting the bathroom fill with steam. He doesn’t talk, but has a permanent scowl on his face, and I am left sitting on the vanity, my body in his white shirt, now also tarnished with red.

My eyes widen as he strips naked in front of me, throwing his stained clothes into a messy pile on the floor. I need to grip onto the vanity to ensure I don’t fall at the vision of all-man before me. I have never seen a fully naked man before, and Dante is huge. Everywhere is huge. His brown eyes remain on me, yet my eyes travel downwards. I take in his very aroused state, before I quickly avert my eyes, and no doubt my red cheeks do very little to hide my ogling.

His nostrils flare as he watches me looking at him, and then he steps into the shower. I look at him as he runs his hands over his body, washing away the blood, before he starts to touch himself. I watch him pump his cock slowly, all the while his eyes remain on me. I swallow hard, my nerves now totally overtaking my body as I wipe my sweating palms on my thighs, unable to look away. My body begins to tingle, my underwear becomes wetter, my nipples peak, my heart races. I haven’t felt like this before, and I am at war with myself because I want to join him. I want to strip down and get naked in the shower with him. But I am not sure how. I don’t know what to do. Should I stay here in the bathroom with him, or should I go back to bed? I want to stay, but am I woman enough for him?

He continues to watch me, and I want to be near him. I want my hand to be on his body. I want to grip onto him and give him pleasure. My eyes continue to flick between his and his movement. I’m still as I wage war in my mind on whether to continue to sit and watch or go to him. He remains where he is, waiting, watching me, letting me make my own decision.

I promised myself that I would live my life to the fullest and take every opportunity life brings me while I still can. Now, sitting here watching Dante, I want him more than anything, so I slowly slip off the vanity, not trusting my legs to catch me, and walk over to him, opening the glass shower door. “Show me?” I say to him, and his dark eyes darken further. “Show me how?” My voice is only a whimper, filled with want. He looks down at me, like he is having an internal debate on whether to let me touch him, and then he stops. Lifting his arms above his head, he leans them against the top of the shower frame, his full naked body now open to me as he stands before me in all his glory.

“Wrap your hand around me, Annie,” he grits out, and as the steam billows behind him, I reach toward him and wrap my hand around his cock. He is hot, heavy, and very hard.

He hisses as I start to move, so I go to pull away, scared I have done something wrong.

“No, keep it there,” he says in a commanding tone. I stop dead in my tracks, my hand still firmly wrapped around him, and I can feel him throbbing underneath my fingers. My eyes flick to his, waiting for his next command.
