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“Actually, Kashif took care of the horses and the dogs this morning. Apparently, something really energized him last night,” he said with a knowing grin.

“Oh, for God’s sake…” She bit off an oath and started marching back to the lodge. Holding her head high, she tried to maintain as much pride as possible.

Finally inside, she leaned against the door and found herself torn. Part of her was so happy that Kashif was going out of his way to make Arella happy. It made her entertain thoughts that she hadn’t dared think of before, but none of it changed the fact that the sheikh was only supposed to be here until after the race—and with the race postponed, he might be leaving sooner than expected. Once he was gone, things would go back to the way they were before.

Except that it wouldn’t be the same. The first time he left, Kristy had been so innocent and naive. She’d held out hope that things would still work out in their favor. In fact, she’d been determined. But then She’d learned the hard way that love simply wasn’t enough to get past the walls that existed between her and Kashif. It had been humiliating, to say the least, but she’d learned her lesson. Older-and-wiser Kristy knew that wishful thinking wouldn’t change things. This time, she faced the future without any hope.

“What am I doing?” she whispered. She remembered the hateful words Kashif’s bodyguard had said four years ago. Once again, she reminded herself, “He doesn’t want you. You know this. He’s just looking for a body to warm his bed, and you’re falling right into his trap.”

She could tell him that Arella was his. If he knew, he might want to stick around…but there were so many risks. He had the money and influence to take his daughter away. Given that she really was a princess, he might insist that she live permanently at the palace. Would Kristy even be able to see her regularly? It wasn’t like she could afford all those plane trips—nor could she keep the farm running if she was constantly coming and going.

That was the nightmare scenario…but in her heart, she knew it wasn’t very realistic. Even at his worst, Kashif wasn’t the kind of man who would take Arella completely away from her. What if his reaction really did go in the other direction and he decided to stick around, do the right thing. Was that what she wanted?

No.It wasn’t. Because he wouldn’t be staying out of love. He’d be staying out of obligation. And he wouldn’t be able to stay for long, anyway, because other obligations would pull him back home, to serve as the next crowned sheikh. There were too many complicating factors, and nothing felt right.

She was doing the right thing by not telling him, right?

But even she could see that Kashif would love Arella. Maybe he already did.

Suddenly, she wasn’t so sure about anything anymore.


Arella, exhausted from her day of ice skating, was already curled up in her bed before dinner. Aunt Julia fussed over her as she read her a story. Kristy poked her head in the door and smiled.

“She enjoyed herself today,” she said softly as she looked adoringly at her daughter.

“Yes, she did, and I think it’s time that you enjoyed tonight as well. I’ll look after Arella. Why don’t you and your man go enjoy a nice dinner out?”

“He’s a guest, Aunty,” Kristy muttered.

Julia gave her a pointed look. “Sweetheart, you ran out of the lodge this morning dressed in his clothes, so we both know what you were doing last night.”

Embarrassed, Kristy shifted from one foot to the other. “It’s not like that. We were just enjoying ourselves.”

“Well, then.” Julia grinned. “By all means, go enjoy yourself!”

Sighing, she turned around and ran right smack into Kashif. Scowling, she put a hand out to keep her balance, but his arms were already encircling her. “So,” he asked with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “Are you going to take your aunt’s advice?”

“Only because I’m too tired to cook,” she grumbled. “I need to take a quick shower and change. I’m fairly certain that I smell like wet dogs.”

“I didn’t want to say anything,” he teased as he leaned down to kiss her. “But I certainly don’t mind.”

It almost shocked her how comfortable she felt in his arms. She didn’t even pull back when his lips brushed up against her. Instead, she nearly melted into him.

Hastily retreating, she tried to look more confident than she felt. “I’ll meet you downstairs in twenty minutes?”

“A woman who can shower and be ready to go out in twenty minutes? How do you Americans say it? Be still my beating heart,” he said as he dramatically pretended to swoon.

Kristy rolled her eyes but couldn’t help but laugh as she left him standing in the hall. Exactly twenty minutes later, she was showered and dressed. The jeans and clingy black sweater looked good on her, but it wasn’t exactly a date outfit, which is why she picked it out.

Keep it casual.After applying only the barest of make-up, she threw her still-damp hair up in a messy bun and hurried downstairs to meet him.

Stopping short on the last step, she stared at him. He wore a pair of jeans that did an amazing job showing off his well-formed ass and a tight, dark cashmere sweater. The muscles of his arms flexed as he moved, and she suddenly decided that dinner wasn’t all that important.

She could have him right here on the floor—and based on the way his eyes roamed over her body in appreciation, he was thinking the same thing.

“It might be dangerous if we stay here too much longer,” he said hoarsely.
