Page 107 of Bluebird

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The driver turned to us as we waited for the vehicle in front to move on. “Normally the reporters at these events are pretty tame, but it looks like they may have caught wind of your attendance, Miss Rivers.”

“Oh, really?” I muttered in disbelief.

Luke’s hand found its way over mine and calmed me instantly.

We pulled up in front of the red carpet and cameras started to flash. Nate and Amanda stepped out of the car first, followed by Luke. He stopped in the doorway, blocking the relentless photographers and held out his hand. I wrapped my fingers around his, and didn’t let go. We strolled through the parted sea of fans, photographers and reporters, and I smiled and waved. Evading all the questions yelled from various directions.

“Who are you with tonight?”

“Is he your new boyfriend?”

“When are you releasing a new album?”

The questions trailed after to me, until I was safely inside.

“Thank you,” I whispered to Luke and squeezed his hand.

He offered me a small smile and nod, before letting go.

* * *

Half way through the awards, Luke and I were ushered backstage to prepare for our performance. We barely spoke as we stood in our little dressing room staring at each other in anticipation as the minutes counted down.

“Pretend it’s just the two of us,” I suggested, trying to ease his nerves.

“I don’t think that’s wise.” He grinned. “Do you?”

My cheeks grew warm, and I turned my gaze away and smiled. “No, I guess not.”

A loud knock on the dressing room door sliced through the tension. “You’re on in five!” the man behind yelled.

A rush of exhilaration flowed through my body. “Okay,” I said, pivoting to leave. “Let’s go.”

I opened the door, but Luke’s hand slammed it shut from behind.

“Wait.” He peered down as I turned back to him.

His chest touched mine with each breath he took, and he slowly closed in on my lips. He stole my breath with a tender kiss, followed by a sexy grin that melted my insides.

“Now, I’m ready,” he whispered.

* * *

We took our positions in the darkness. Myself to the left of the stage, standing in front of the microphone stand, and Luke in front of the grand piano to the right. Glancing over, Luke winked at me as his fingers took their position on the keys. On cue, he began to play.

As the spotlight met my eyes I started to sing, the rest of the stage still in darkness. Once my verse was complete, I returned to black, and Luke’s spotlight lit up whilst he sang the next. As we approached the chorus, my light returned and followed me to the side of the piano, where we sang the rest of the song together. Harmonising perfectly at every turn.

It was the most exhilarating experience of my performing career. It was so surprisingly intimate. I barely even registered we were being watched by hundreds of talented musicians in the audience, not to mention whoever had tuned in on the television.

As the song came to a close and the lights dimmed back into darkness, we were met with a moment of stunned silence, before an enormous roar of appreciation erupted from the audience.

Luke left his position at the piano and took my hand. As the crowd came into view, we were fronted with a standing ovation. Covering my mouth in complete astonishment, I fought back tears. Luke gave my hand a squeeze and smiled at me proudly. My feelings were mirrored in his eyes.

With Luke’s hand still wrapped around mine, we ran back to our dressing room. My heart pounded against my chest as we dodged roadies who were frantically building the final set for the night.

Luke slammed the door behind him and wrapped me in a thrilled embrace.

“We did it!” I squealed happily. “Did you hear them out there?”
