Page 12 of Stolen Kisses

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Who tried to kiss what wasn’t his. Touch her.

“Feel like pissing on him for me, Bruiser? Huh?” The dog just looked at me as if I were crazy, but at that point, I was well past the range of insanity. Now, I wanted to crack his skull open for ever considering her his.

A round of laughter came from the den down the hall, pulling my attention away from our needy dog. Suspicions confirmed, I grabbed a muffin instead of eating my breakfast and followed the sound.

What I found inside the dark room pissed me off.

There, at the edge of the largest sofa, was my Bailey trying to keep her distance from who I assumed was Brad. The overgrown child was sitting in the middle with his legs wide open and an arm thrown over the back. He took up almost the entire sofa for himself, forcing her to be close.

The kid was about five feet eleven and over a hundred and seventy pounds of idiocy. From what I could see, he had blond hair and blue eyes—a stereotypical jock. What most girls his age found attractive.

However, not Bailey. Her body language screamed uninterested.

No one noticed me at the door except for Emily, and the smile dropped from her face at my expression. “Hey,” she greeted cautiously, “are you joining us? Or on your way out?”

I didn’t answer, too focused on my girl’s clear discomfort. How could my sister just sit there and not help her best friend? Anyone with two working eyes could see how much little B. disliked his attention.

This wasn’t jealousy. No.

This was fury at his audacity. Ire at his lack of common sense.

You never force your presence on an uninterested woman. Never.

“Move.” The barely contained growl caught everyone’s attention, and they all turned to look at me. Three with surprised looks, the others with curiosity and desire—while Bailey turned the lightest shade of scared. Pale and worried.

Little thing had nothing to worry about when it came to me. She’d never have to fear me.

My eyes roamed every face inside the room and stopped at three girls near the window. They’d forgone the sofa and instead had laid atop a series of comforters and pillows. All smiled in a flirtatious manner with a tiny giggle at the end. High-school girls never change.

One in particular, a redhead, patted the empty space beside her. “There’s plenty of room over here,” she said, and from the corner of my eye, I noticed the way Bailey scowled in her direction.

I had to bite the inside of my cheek to hold in my amusement.

“Sorry, but I was talking to the kid sitting beside my Bailey.” Her smile dropped at my answer, but I paid her no more attention and turned to look at Brad. “Move it.”

“Who the hell are you?”

“That shouldn’t be your biggest concern. Two minutes—you move, or I’ll do it for you.”

“Hunter!” Emily and Bailey shouted in unison, but my focus stayed on the smart-mouthed jerk.

He’d shrunk back in his seat at the mention of my name. Good. The idiot knew who I was, and so did his brother. I didn’t miss the bit of space he put between himself and my sister.

Seemed Brad was smart enough to know his place. That chest he tried to puff out was put away, and he moved over, squeezing himself against the other armrest while glaring at the TV.

“Emi, hit play.” A few seconds after my request, my sister did as I asked. I took my rightful place beside Bailey and pulled her to me, her skin on mine. That small bit of contact felt like heaven.

“Are you insane?” My little B. turned her head into my neck and whispered, lips skimming my flesh. “You’ve just given your sister ammunition to hound me all night, you jerk.”

“Ask me if I care, sweetheart?” It was rhetorical, and she let out a small, frustrated huff, one that stopped when I lowered my hand to her hip and dipped my fingers below the waist of her yoga pants. I caressed the soft skin there. “I’m not hiding us.”

“There is no us, Hunter. I don’t even know you anymore.” For all her denial, she never left my embrace. No. Instead, she scooted just the tiniest bit closer. “Please stop trying to mess with my head.”

A soft cough pulled me away from Bailey. Emily was staring at us, eyebrow raised and smirking. About time, she mouthed, and I rolled my eyes. Her giggle followed, but I ignored her antics and turned back toward my misguided girl.

I nuzzled the side of her head. For a few minutes, I just stayed there pulling her sweet scent into my lungs. Enjoyed the feel of her supple body against my own.

“Sweetheart, I don’t play games. I only take what I plan to keep.” Without bringing too much attention our way, I tipped her face up to mine and stole a quick kiss. It was all I could take from her at the moment, giving her a small preview of what was to come. That small peck served to soothe my hunger—her decadent taste calmed the almost painful need. “And you, I want. Let me in.”
