Page 13 of Sin

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Find out why Earl’s letting her park here? Ask him how he knows—

Right then, a conversation we had three days back comes rushing to the forefront.

Sir, would you mind if a family friend parks here at night? She has a job that’s far, and needs somewhere trustworthy to leave her own vehicle while she commutes…

Family friend. That’s what sticks out the most since they haven’t resided here long.

As more pieces come to light, something doesn’t sit right with me. I don’t know what Twirl’s hiding, but I know Earl enough that he will never agree with what she’s doing inside that club. He will borrow the money before letting her dance.

“Hurry the fuck up.” The clock on my dash blinks with another minute passing, and I find myself growing anxious, my patience thinning.

A push of a button and my doors unlock. Hand on the handle, I’m pushing it open when headlights flicker near the building’s exit. But then I am furious for a completely different reason.

“I’m going to burn that son of a bitch alive,” I hiss, fingers clenching around the handle. A rusted piece of shit—what can barely be considered as a safe vehicle—passes in front of me, pausing at the corner to turn.

A thousand and one scenarios run through my head, and neither is better than the last. Why would a girl that comes from a somewhat affluential family sell herself for money?

Moreover, it’s not for pleasure. Not because of a kink.

This is starting to smell like desperation, and I don’t like it.

Within seconds, I am right behind her. Something she doesn’t notice. Something I’ll teach her to be aware of with time.

An old Toyota Corolla from the ‘80s with a muffler that’s close to falling off and chipped paint isn’t what she deserves. The more I see the car struggle to gain speed or change gears, the more my protective instincts grow.

Pressing the phone feature on my steering wheel, I hit number two and wait.

“Everything okay, Malcolm?” Javier asks after only two rings, sounding half asleep.

“Meet me outside of the Fosters’ house.”

“I’ll be there in thirty.” He doesn’t question me. There’s some rustling, and my cousin’s voice in the background grumbling about the time. She’ll get over it. “Are we going in together, or am I delivering a message?”

“We’re delivering a personal invitation.”

“A personal invitation?” he says slowly, sounding full of interest and confusion.

“That’s it. Just a friendly visit.”

“Something you aren’t telling me here, Asher?” The man knows me, but now isn’t the time to sit and discuss. We have tomorrow for that. Right now, all that matters is my little Twirl making it home safely.

That I assess her surroundings. Figure out her motives.

“I won’t take no for an answer.”


“WHAT DID I just do?” My legs are shaky, body trembling as I exit the private room. It’s surreal. I feel lost, and yet, I won’t deny that having his beautiful green eyes on mine made me experience the kind of excitement I’ve never been privy to.

Is that what having the attention of someone you find attractive feels like?

Even worse? I know what he did.

I could hear his grunts of pleasure while I danced for him. Know the exact moment he found his release, and I won’t deny that my skin still tingles. That my panties are wet.

Does that make me sick? Weird?

With the cards I’ve been given, I should be running. And yet, here I am. Trying my hardest to calm down and move away from the corridor before he finds me a panting mess. A quivering ball of confusion that’s using the wall for support.
