Page 30 of Sin

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Standing up, I walk over to the windows and look out at the Chicago sky. “However, it didn’t go to her. Why?”

“When Marcus sunk his claws into Amelia, whose father left her some money as well, he adopted London and became the guardian of her inheritance until she turns twenty-one. He pushed and pushed and fought with her until Amelia took in his son and did the same. He manipulated her. Isolated her. Kept her from anyone and everyone that could see what was really going on.”

“Where was her family? Why didn’t anyone step in?” There’re so many questions running through my mind. So many emotions.

I’m angry for her. For everything she was put through because of someone’s greed.

Because that’s what the fucked up situation my Twirl’s in comes down to. Money.

“We tried,” he suddenly snaps, but it’s not at me and I don’t interrupt him. You can tell he’s angry at himself for not doing more, and I want that. Let him talk. Get it off his chest while I get the info I need. “Time and time again, we tried to reason with her. Prove to her that she was better off without his toxicity.”

Turning to face him, I lean back against the glass. Expression neutral. “And what happened?”

“Mary had a really bad fight with her the year before she died.” For a few minutes he’s quiet, breathing choppy while he looks down at the last sheet of paper in the folder. The private investigation into Amelia’s death. “She begged her to leave him after a particularly bad fight. He was cheating and when confronted, smacked her around a bit. I fought him for her, beat his ass, and then went over with a few guys to get her out of that house until she could evict him through the courts. Everything had been set and bags packed, when the asshole decided to take London out of school for a father/daughter day.” Earl looks up at me then, his eyes holding so much sadness. “You know what’s the best way to win any mother over?

“Love the child.”

“Exactly. He knew that treating London like a princess would grant him forgiveness.”

“I’m going to make this right for her. I’m going to take care of her.”

“Amelia was a good mother that made mistakes, Malcolm, but I swear to you, all she wanted was for her little girl to have a family. The father that she lost.” He stands and walks over to me, looks me in the eye. Pleading with me. “To the courts, he’s in charge of her inheritance—the sale of the restaurant chain and her mother’s money—and decides how her monthly stipend is spent until she turns twenty-one as per Amelia’s will. All her life that little girl has been nothing more than a pawn in a game, and she needs someone to defend her. Care for her.”

“I’m going to make him pay,” I vow, extending a hand out, which he takes and tightens his grip. “Both of them will be avenged.”

“Thank you.”

“None needed.” Just then my phone pings with a message from Javi.

Breaking News on 32 ~Javier

Grabbing the remote from the coffee table, I turn on the large TV mounted on the wall. It’s already on the channel when an image comes on, and I can’t stop the smile that forms on my lips. There, in the middle of a quaint little shopping center’s parking lot, is a white Mercedes Benz on fire.

Completely engulfed and unsalvageable. No victims or witnesses.

“Is that?”

“Yes. It’s Alton’s.” The first of the many losses to come. This one is for the piece of shit ‘80s Corolla they have Twirl driving, while he leases a Mercedes on her dime. And if he gets another one, I’ll burn that one and each that follows.

I’m going to take everything away from him. Slowly. Methodically.

“He’s going to flip his shit,” Earl snorts, smile as wide as mine. He’s enjoying this as much as I am, but then turns serious. “Be good to her. Don’t let them break her down like they did Amelia. Promise me you will save her.”

“I’m going to do more than that.” Taking my phone out of my pocket, I pull up her number and send off a quick text.

Did you get my gift. ~Malcolm

It doesn’t take but a few seconds for three tiny dots to appear letting me know she is responding.

You are insane. ~Twirl

How did you know I needed one? ~Twirl

I don’t know if I can accept this. ~Twirl

My reply is just as quick.

You can and will. You deserve the best, sweetheart. End of. ~Malcom
