Page 34 of Sin

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My eyes snap open as the first riffs rent the air. I wait for her next move.

Her acceptance.

London takes her time, and I am in no rush.

I count down the seconds until I see her turn and give me her back. Another harsh exhale leaves her, arms shaking, and I quietly stand.

Another minute and she tips her face down. I follow her move with one of my own. Then another, and it’s when I’m halfway across the room that I hear her.

“One, two, three…four,” she whispers to herself, and then pauses. London tilts her head as if listening for my entrance. Tsk, tsk, baby. Come on. Finish for me. Holding my position, I wait for her to begin again. Sixty seconds pass, the intro for another song begins, and she gives in. “Five, six, seven…”

Before Twirl can say eight, I’m right behind her, her back to my front, and my hands clench as she whimpers out a shaky nine.

We both need this. To be close. To touch, and before she utters the next number, my lips are at her ear. Kissing the shell, nuzzling her fragrant skin. “Ten.”

“I knew you were here.” London’s skin breaks out in goose bumps, a tiny map of sensitive flesh that I nip as I follow the path down to her collarbones. Nipping her there, I soothe the sting with my tongue. “F-felt you.”

“Is that so?” I ask, wrapping my arm around her midsection. The stomach muscles clench beneath my hold as she gasps at the sudden movement. “Why do you think that is, Twirl? Why can you feel my presence?”

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t lie to yourself.” At my words, London turns in my arms, eyes slightly narrowed. And fuck me if I don’t like this glimpse of fire. “Something you want to say, Ms. Foster? Any questions?”

“There is.”

Dipping down, I nip her bottom lip. “And?”

“Why am I different? Why are you doing all of this?” There it is. What’s eating her.

Curiosity is a bitch and one people don’t quite know how to tame. That inquisitiveness gets them into situations they have no business digging into. Or in this case, it will open a box she isn’t quite ready to receive.

The attraction is mutual. Our desires match evenly. However, the life she’s been given has created this defense mechanism she can’t help but hide behind. It’s easier for her.

“Are you sure you want the answer?”

“Yes.” The pleading in her eyes—the desperation in her voice dictates my next move. Before she can protest, I grab a thigh in each hand and lift her up, wrapping them tight around my waist. A small squeak escapes, but there’s no protest as I carry her back to my chair.

Instead, she wraps her arms around my neck and holds tight. Presses her cheek to mine while her lips whisper something that’s too low to hear but end with dangerous.

Taking a seat on the wide chair, I tap the table and the bottom stand illuminates with a low light. There’s just enough room for her to straddle me comfortably, and I push her back a bit so I can focus on her flushing face. On the brightness in her eyes.

On every fucking question and doubt that I’ll erase—decimate in order to own this precious doll.

“This is better.” Not a question, a statement. Being close is right. The only way this talk will work.

“Agreed.” London moves her upper body back, but her hips stay just a few inches from my cock. So fucking close that I can feel her heat. Her thighs are exposed, the dress riding up just enough to give me a glimpse of her sweet, virginal pussy. “But my face is up here.”

There’s a hint of amusement in her tone, and I shrug. “Not going to apologize, Twirl. I find you utterly perfect.”

“You’re a smooth one, aren’t you?”

“I don’t lie.” Bringing both hands to her hips, I bring us flush while spreading my fingers wide over her lower back. She’s heat. Softness. Feels like the perfect sin, and I’ve yet to have a taste of her decadence. “With me, you will always know where we stand. What I am thinking. There will be no secrets between us.”

“Why do you keep saying there’s an ‘us’? I don’t know you.” As she says this, there’s a minute shift of her hips. It causes my cock to flex against her, to throb, while those cerulean eyes become heavy. “Tell me.”

“Ask me the right question,” I grit out, fighting my own desire to devour her.

London stares at me, swallowing hard as she finds the right words. And the moment she does, it’s a glorious sight. Her back straightens, the subtle shift pressing her core harshly against my girth while she licks her lips. I groan at the natural sensuality she displays, not holding back—wanting her to see just how much I desire her.
