Page 65 of Sin

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“No, you—”

“I did.” Sitting back, I close my eyes and picture her face. That sweet smile and the soft expression she gets when I call her Twirl. “I should’ve never accepted the deal with Thiago and shut them down the moment they stepped foot in my city. I should’ve just paid the debt they owe and put them down like the vermin they are. There’s a lot of I should haves, but I didn’t, and now that’s a wrong I’m going to rectify. London will never know pain again. Never feel fear. They will die so my girl can reclaim her peace.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to paint a beautiful picture with their blood.”

“Welcome back, Mr. Asher,” Maria and Juan greet me in the driveway of my vacation home in Costa Rica, their accents heavy. They’ve been with me for a few years now; a trustworthy, older couple that lives here and takes care of the property year round while I’m away.

They’re here to cater to my guests and never ask questions.

They’ve never been reluctant to clean up a mess if things turn south.

But more importantly, they’ve never said a word about the business that’s transpired.

“Happy to be back,” I say, extending a hand out to Juan and then Maria. They each shake it, and then get right back to work on unloading the back of the rental. The men traveling with me are already taking their luggage down and heading toward a separate home, a smaller structure to the right of the main house, where they’ll stay while we’re here.

Except for Carmelo and my father. They will be with me.

“Has anyone else arrived?” Dad asks, exiting the SUV with his phone in hand. He’s reading something on it, chuckling to himself, before typing a reply. “Or do we have time to relax for a bit?”

Maria pauses on the second step and looks back. “You’re the first to arrive, señor.”

“Perfect.” Dad follows her up to the house while I survey the area. I’m sure he wants to call Mom and then rest for a bit, while I’m feeling restless. A bit edgy.

You miss her.

I do. Not going to deny it.

Being with her these last few days—having her close and drowning myself in her scent—was heaven, but I couldn’t bring her with me this time. Not when she isn’t ready to deal with assholes that walk around thinking women are here to only serve one purpose.

To be on their knees.

In time, she won’t cower from those men. She won’t so much as blink when they make a comment. London will know how to protect herself. She’ll shoot first and let me worry about the consequences for her later.

That the only man she will ever kneel for is me, and that’s because she wants to. Craves it.

Carmelo’s voice meets my ears then and I tilt my head, catching the end of his instructions. He’s walking my way with four others; two of them will man the security kiosk and the others will handle perimeter checks around the clock during our stay.

No one gets on this estate without my knowing. No one leaves without my permission.

This property is nestled on a private stretch of land between a waterfall and the dense Costa Rican jungle. Its lush vegetation surrounds the back, while the ocean is visible from the front because of the high vantage point of this cliff. The warm waters below and white sandy beach, with miles upon miles of solitary beauty, is only accessible by foot or short motorbike ride down a hidden trail that a select few know about.

It’s beautiful, peaceful, and I have no neighbors for a few miles. The perfect place to host a man with just as much blood on his hands as I do.

He’s one of the world’s richest; a modern-day narco. A man that resides at the very top of every most wanted list in the world. Someone who values his privacy and ability to fly under the radar above all else.

Roberto Castillo is rich, smart, and someone who moves a lot of money through my bank. A loyal customer from a secluded mountaintop in South America who owes me a favor.

One I plan to cash today.


“SO, YOU FORESEE NO future delays after the Jameson issue?” Roberto asks, sitting back in his seat out on my lanai, an ice-cold beer in his hand. His right-hand man nods beside him, yet the move is a bit sloppy. A bit drunk. He’s sipping on his fourth serving of rum while Carmelo and my father don’t move an inch.

Don’t show any emotion.

Blank faces greet Roberto’s question, and I bring my own drink to my lips, savoring the orangey hop flavor. “This business has no guarantees, yet I’ve never failed you. My record speaks for itself.”
