Page 88 of Own

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The U.S. needs him—the weapons he procures—and I want their money. For the name of every member of the Imperium to have legal immunity.

“You are.”


“Under one condition.”

Apprehension dawns on his face. “What do you need?”

“Two things.” Unlocking the door, I block the entrance and let him see the men standing behind me. Every member and their right-hand men are spread about the open area leading to this room. They watch him. Dare him to deny us. “You buy your weapons from the De Leons, and do what you're told and when. No questions asked. This is your opportunity to make a friend out of us, Montgomery. A friend helps and facilitates political advancements while an enemy will kill you, your son, and every male with your bloodline running through their veins.” He’s shaking, his eyes darting across each face before coming back to mine. “Do you agree?”


“Then welcome to South Florida. You’ll be living here from now on.” One of the guards from Miami comes forward and grabs Montgomery by the arm, leading him out and onto an awaiting plane that’ll take him home. He’ll be shadowed. So will his family. A single step out of line, and I won’t hesitate to put a bullet between his eyes.

Just steps from the door leading upstairs, he pauses and looks back, brows furrowed. “What’s the second condition?”

“You owe me quite the large amount of paperwork, beginning with the deal you had with Rodriguez and those prior. I want a legally binding trace to every weapon you’ve ever sold and the information on the buyers.”

“I can do that.”

“Then go and enjoy your freedom, Kyle. Your family misses you.”

He’s led out while the others begin to talk. We have plans.


The Imperium is too large to contain, and many have taken notice.

We have a hand in every major industry except one: printing. However, acquiring Henry’s machines have become the catalyst to change that as Malcolm will do more than just move and withhold money at his banks. The others approve as well. It transforms our plans a bit, but it’ll be worth it to one day soon become the world bank and treasury. The Imperium’s growth is what matters, as will our worldwide control over countries where it hurts them the most: money.

“You ready to get hitched the right way, bro?” Thiago asks, slapping my back while wearing a shit-eating grin. Singao. “It’s about time, too.”

“Fuck you.” I know he knows, but I’ll be damned if I admit it.

“Is that how you speak to my sister-in-law? No wonder I saw her flirting with—”

“Leave my son out of this, Thiago.” Malcolm steps in beside us, just as amused. “Maximus is irresistible. Not his fault Amberlyn fell in love with his impeccable charm.”

“This is where I leave you assholes. I have a bride to visit.”

“You’re not supposed to see her until after the wedding!” a British voice calls out, and I flip off Casper.

“So immature.” That came from Javier. He’s just as bad as the rest of them.

“Did any of you?” That quiets them all. Not a single peep. “Thought so.”

Leaving them to talk, I quietly make my way up the stairs and onto our floor. Luna and Nat are with her, talking, but I bypass them and greet my mermaid with a passionate kiss.

Our wedding won’t be a formal affair. Neither of us wanted it that way, and after going back and forth with our parents, they backed off. We live on the water and enjoy nothing more than cooking out, having a few drinks, and then taking a night swim when the weather allows it.

“You look beautiful, bebe.” And she does. Amberlyn’s wearing a floor-length white sundress with small sunflowers in the palest yellow, her feet bare. Her red hair is down, no more black chunks, and curly at the ends in a way that looks effortless. No makeup. No fuss. “You are simply perfect.”

“As are you.” I’m wearing an all-white guayabera and linen pants. Something I’ve discovered the woman currently biting her lips while eyeing my tattoos enjoys. Says they stand out more. “So handsome, papi.”

“You ready to pretend this is our first time?”

“Our parents would literally kill us if they knew.”
