Page 44 of Risqué

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“Not fair.”

“Nothing in life worth a damn ever is.” This time I blow across the tender flesh, my hands moving lower to the waistband of her bottoms. They’re easy to remove, more so when she whines and lifts her hips when I tease her nipples, but once they’re off, I pause. It’s easy to become lost in her body, but Aliana needs to understand what I’m asking of her.

“Why’d you stop?”

“When I walk out of here tomorrow, I’m no longer the man you have at your mercy, Aliana. I’m a murderer. A criminal.” It’s the truth, and I won’t lie to her. I’m exposing myself so she sees that I’m serious, that she can trust me. “I’m going home to London to help my cousin kill every single man involved in the murder of my aunt. I’m going home to make changes, eliminate every single threat, and then I’ll be bringing you home. You, my stubborn beauty, are important to me and I want you safe. So can you please do this for me? Don’t give them a tough time, and let me know if something is wrong.”

Tears brim in her eyes, and she nods. “After my trip.”

“What trip?”

“Give me this, and I’ll accept this without further argument.”

“What trip?”

Lifting a hand, she cups my face and brings it to hers. Lays a tiny peck across my lips. “Trust in me the same way you’re asking me to trust you.”

“Okay.” This time I kiss her, dragging my teeth across her bottom lip. “Will you be safe?”

“It’s a family retreat. I promise to be careful while vacationing.”


“Thank you.” Relief sweeps across her expression, but I’m not letting this go. I’ll find out what she’s hiding soon enough, but Kray will remain on duty, just not out in the open. At least, until she gets back. “I appreciate it.”

“Then show me, my Venus.”

“How,” she moans low, a keening sound as I drag my lips down the column of her throat and to the valley between her breasts. I lick and suck the skin there, the lovely shade of bruising complementing her tanned skin tone. “What can I do to show my—”

“Feed me.” A grunt. My chest rumbles as I hold back my need to dominate and own. To demand she be honest and then take her away from whatever problems she has. Because I know they are there; the clues laid out so far create a picture that would lead to the destruction of her family, but before I make her an orphan, I need concrete proof. I’d hate to be wrong and eradicate someone she loves. “I need you to shimmy out of your knickers, arch your back, then spread your pussy lips and present me my meal.”

“Oh fuck.”

“Soon, Aliana. I’ll claim you soon, but today I want to taste your pleasure.”


I’m an idiot. Completely and utterly moronic, but smiling like the hussy this man is turning me into. If only I could say no. But I can’t, and every time those piercing, gem-like eyes ask me for something or need an answer, I end up agreeing while letting down every single one of my walls.

Dios mio, ayudame. This position I’ve put myself in will cost me. I know it will.

My father will never allow this, but I also can’t stop the small bloom of hope taking place in my chest, burrowing deep and holding on for dear life after Callum shared his plans.

He wants to take me home. To London.

Somewhere far from Chicago and all that I know, but with him I’d do so happily and without a second thought, knowing this could blow up in my face in so many tragic ways.

That man is the perfect heartbreak waiting to happen.

He’d tear me apart, something I’m no longer able to stop if he walked away.

I already care too much.

So much can go wrong.

What about returning to Spain?

That had been my original plan, but after hearing his, it doesn’t hold the same appeal.
