Page 112 of Reckless Soul

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“What?” Nyx asks, shocked.

“You guys need the space more than we do,” Jessie says looking around the cabin at all the stuff we’ve accumulated overthe past few days.

“You don’t have to do that,” Nyx tells him.

“It’s done, I’ve already spoke to Prez about it. Here,” he hands the key to Nyx who takes them out of his hand before he pulls Jessie in for one of those weird half man hug things.

“Where's Dylan? We thought we could watch him while you guys head up and take a look round your new place,” Maddy says, still bubbling with excitement.

“He’s asleep, and that would be great,” I say, starting to feel excited myself. Nyx’s cabin is cozy, but it’s getting a little tight around here. The places were obviously designed to be holiday homes.

“Well get goin’,” Maddy practically forces us out the door and Nyx looks at me and shrugs with ahelpless smile at me before we leave them in charge and make our way up to the cabin.

The place is beautiful and even more perfect on the inside. A nice bright kitchen, just like the Prez’s with along window that looks out onto a balcony that spreads along the whole front of the house. There’s a living room, three bedrooms, and a good sized bathroom.

“This is incredible, I can’t believe Maddy and Jessie would give this up for us,” I say to Nyx as we stand on the balcony and look down at the lake. From up here it feels like we’re standing on top of the world. I can see outfor miles.

“Beautiful ain’t it,” a rough voice comes from behind us, and when I turn around, Prez is standing in the balcony door, he nods his head to Nyx, who places a kiss on my cheek.

“I’ll be inside if you need me,” he tells me, leaving me on the balcony, and getting a slap on the back from Prez as he passes him.

It feels weird, like something’s going on and the way Prez is looking at me has me feeling uneasy.

“I wanted to talk to you about what Nyx did,” he says, his voice softer than I’d ever heard it.

“You want to talk to me about it?” I ask,surprised, everyone has done everything toavoid talking about what Nyx has done with me

Prez lookstorn for a second, like he might change his mind.

“You deserve to know,” he says eventually, leaning his arms over the balcony barrier and looking out at the stunning view in front of us.

“Nineteen years ago, I loved a girl, exactly the way that kid loves you.” He starts. “The club was much smaller then, we ran it out of a bar down in town. There were no other Charters, we only had twelve members.”

I can’t help but look around and think how well he’s done for him and his club.

“I cared about that girl so much, I’d have moved the fuckin’ earth for her,” he tells me, his voice so low that it’s a growl.

“But we weren’t meant to be together Ella, she was far too good for me, but hell if I could stop myself from fallin’ for her. I kept her away from the club, mainly to protect her, but also because I wanted to be a better man for her.” I nod back at him letting him know that I understand.

“One night she turned up at the club, she was a mess cause she’d found out she was pregnant. The girl was petrified about what her folks would do.”

“I can relate,” I interrupt him, and he gives me a hint of a smile back.

“Well, I stepped up, sure the situation wasn’t ideal. I had other commitments. The club, a kid with another woman,but secretly I was fuckin’ happy about it. I told her I’d take care of her and the kid and I really fucking meant that, Ella. I would have given them anything.”

“Would have?” I ask, wondering what happened to them.

“Yeah, turned out she only wanted one thing outta me.

She wanted me to let her go.

She wanted to keep the kid, but she didn’t want to raise it with me. And that really fucking broke my heart,” Prez admits sadly.

“I’m sorry that happened to you.” I ignore any barriers and reach out for his hand. I don’t know why he’s telling me this but I don’t like seeing him sad.

“You know what it’s like to lose someone you love,” I say my thoughts out loud, wondering if this is the reason he’d been so easy on Nyx for whatever rule he broke.

“I know all too fuckin’ well,” he says, his eyes glassing over.
