Page 31 of Reckless Soul

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“Why are you so reckless?” I’m not letting Nyx off lightly. He never seems to worry about his actions and seems to thrive off getting into trouble.

“I’m not reckless, darlin’.” He shakes his head stubbornly, a tiny grin on his face suggesting I’ve amused him.

“You so are. You’re always acting before you think, it’s like nothing scares you,” I argue back.

“I guess I gave up fearing shit a long time ago,” he shrugs. “What happened between you and Luke?” he immediately shoots me with another question.

“Nothing, I think that’s why he’s so mean to me. He asked me out once, I didn’t want to go, and he’s hated me ever since. That’s the whole story.”

Nyx nods slowly, but he doesn’t seem convinced. I use my tongue to wet my lips, they feel dry all of a sudden, and the air is really stuffy in this small space we’re in. Then, feeling brave I decide to jump to the question I’ve been dying to ask.

“You ever gonna kiss me again?”

Nyx shifts off his ass and onto his knees, his face leveling with mine. And when he leans into me, I don’t just hear his words, I feel them.

“If you keep tempting me, I might not be able to stop myself.” It would be easier than breathing to edge forward and help myself to him, but I want him to kiss me like he’s hungry for me. Just like he did in the gym.

“So, you really think I’m reckless, huh?” he snaps me out of my recollection, putting space between us and resting his back against a weathered filing cabinet that’s missing a few drawers.

“I don’t think it, Nyx, you are reckless. You act first and think later.”

He chuckles to himself as he lifts his ass off the ground to pull a packet of cigarettes from his jeans pocket, and I watch him casually slip one between his lips before he lights it up.

“If that’s your definition, then you're pretty reckless yourself,” he points at me with his cigarette, releasing a mouthful of smoke at the same time.

“Absolutely not,” I disagree, I’m many things, reckless certainly isn’t one of them.

“Did you think before you jumped on the back of my bike in front of your mom and all her friends back at your daddy’s fancy club?” He cocks an eyebrow at me smugly, reminding me what a huge storm of shit will be waiting for me when I get home.

“You’re a bad influence.” I move, standing up in front of him. His eyes slowly lift up my body. Looking up at me from under his hooded eyes, his mouth is just inches away from the place that sparks to life whenever I’m around him, and I can’t help wondering how it might feel to have him kiss me there too.

“What did I tell you about tempting me?” he warns, his eyes following a path from between my legs all the way to my pupils and I feel wound up so tight, I swear I’ll combust if he doesn’t do something physical to me.

“Obviously you’re not as reckless as I thought you were,” I huff, moving to pass him to get some air and I gasp out loud when his hand shoots up and snatches at my hip, preventing me from leaving.

“You really want me to kiss you again?” he asks, stubbing out his smoke in the ground before he flicks it away. His other fist gripping so tight at my dress I can feel all the tension in it.

“Yes,” I answer him back way too fast and likely sounding desperate. But I’m so past pretending with him.

“But today, I really want you to kiss me here.” Bravely I place my palm over the hand he’s got hold of me with, and slowly guide him to where I crave his touch. The pressure of his fingers as they touch me through my dress making my pussy ache for something it’s never had before. And when Nyx’s eyes snap up to mine, he looks shocked and scared all at the same time.

“Ella Jackson… You’re are gonna be the fuckin’ death of me,” he rasps darkly.

One second she’s innocently asking me if I’m ever gonna kiss her again, the next she’s got my hand on her pussy, telling me that’s where she wants it.

When I tell her she’ll be the death of me, she has no idea how literal I’m being. There’s no doubt she will be now, especially when there’s no way I’m gonna refuse her.

Standing over me looking so prim and pretty, with her white sundress as pure as she is. And that fucking yellow band she’s wearing adding to the whole virgin straight out of prep school kink that’s got my dick steel fuckin’ hard.

Her hand trembles over mine as she holds it where she wants me. She has no idea that this isn’t the first time my hand has touched her there, or that the last time I’d been the one controlling the pressure. And when her smooth palm presses me tighter between her legs, I swear I feel her pulsing beneath my fingertips again.

I keep my eyes on hers as I trail my middle finger over the cotton of her dress. And watching her head roll back as she’s finding relief has my cock growing thicker in my jeans.

Cupping her pussy in my palm, I pull her closer and put her in the perfect position for me to take her with my mouth and devour her like my last fucking meal.

The way things are shaping up, it’s looking like she might be.

Ella steps one leg over mine, her thick hazel iris’s holding on to mine and begging for me to give her what she’s asked for. I wrap my free hand around her ankle, and her skin feels silky smooth beneath mine as I slide the arch of my hand all the way up to her toned thigh. Fisting her dress, I scrunch the fabric and raise it over her waist revealing the cutest lace panties I’ve ever seen, with a damp patch growing right in the center of them.
