Page 36 of Reckless Soul

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“I wouldn’t have it any other way, princess.” He kisses my temple again, and continues to draw those soft lazy shapes on my skin until I drift off to a place where only me and Nyx exist.

And those scales of justice actually balance.

I stay with her long after she falls asleep. The sound of her breaths and feeling her chest against mine, far too satisfying to miss.

I know I’m not being fair to her, I’m leading us both down a false path to hopelessness. She just asked me to be her first. Even I know enough about bitches to know that to a girl like Ella, that’s a big deal. Would it still be what she wanted if she knew who I really am, or why I’m here?

I’m not some mysterious kid who just rocked up at her school and suddenly became obsessed with her. I’m a selfish fuck up, sent here on an errand by her real father, who, yeah, has pretty much become obsessed with her. And lying here with her in my arms, I realize I’m completely fucked because I have no idea how I’m gonna let her go when this whole lie is done with.

Carefully, I slide out of her bed and creep out of her room. I’m starting to feel like I might fall asleep myself, it’s the first time in a long time that I haven’t had to try to. I can’t risk that, I've got her in enough trouble for one day.

It kills me to leave her, especially when she’s lookin’ so fuckin’ pretty, and all I can think about is the promise I just made her and how much I wanna see it through.

I make it back to the club just before 2am and I’m relieved that it’s quiet. Jessie is talking to Skid around the fire pit, they look like they’re having some kind of deep and meaningful thing, so I give them a nod as I pass.

“What’s up?” I ask Grimm, he’s got his back to the bar, his elbows propping him up, and an almost empty bottle in his hand.

“Just thinkin’,” he answers me, his eyes focusing across the room at the girl who’s sucking Screwy’s cock, while one of her hands pumps hard at Squealer’s cock.

“You wondering which one of ‘em is gonna jack first?” I snigger, taking the joint he offers and dragging it between my lips. I hold on to the smoke in my chest until it burns and when I offer him it back, he shakes his head for me to keep it. Grimm gets weird about that kinda shit, if something’s touched someone else’s lips it ain’t touching his. Maybe it's why he rarely gets himself laid around here. He seems to prefer to watch.

“My money’s on Squeal,” I say after exhaling.

I feel a hard squeeze on my shoulder and I know without turning around that it belongs to Prez.

“Grimm, give me and the prospect five, will ya,” he nods him a dismissal andGrimm pushes his body off the bar, taking the bottle with him and heading out into the foyer.

“You got anything to tell me?” Prez asks, the look on his face unreadable. It’s unnerving, but there ain’t no way he could know about what happened this afternoon, if he did, I’d already be dead.

“We spoke some today. About her da… about the judge,” I correct myself, referring to the Judge as Ella’s Dad is gonna hurt him. “She really hates him, apparently he treats her Moma bad.” Prez’s eyes flare but I continue. “I asked if he’d ever hurt her, you know, like raised a hand. She said no, but I don’t think I can say the same for his old lady.” I don’t miss the slight hiss that comes from between his teeth, and wonder if maybe a long time ago that black heart of his may have held some feelings for the bitch he knocked up.

He leans in closer, his voice dropping so that no one in the room can hear.

“You know how important the girl is to me, Nyx. I’ll crush the life out of anyone who dares lay a finger on her. And I’m relying on you to make sure nothing is happening to the only thing I got left to fucking breath for.”

“I got ya, Prez,” I assure him, almost convincing myself.

Prez ain’t one for showing emotion. When he lost Hayley, we all saw a weakness in him. I understand why he chooses to keep face for everyone, he’s our leader and holds everything together around here. With nothing left to lose, he’s feared now more than ever by our rivals. He ain’t about to let Ella become a chink in his armor, and neither am I.

I finish up the joint and say my goodbyes, before I head somewhere to try and release all my tension before I attempt some sleep.

Halfway up the track to the cabins is an outbuilding we use as a gym. This time of night the place should be empty. Even Troj doesn’t train this late. I’m proved wrong when I hear the dull sound of leather against leather from outside. Troj does have a fight coming up, maybe he’s still going at it.

The thuds get louder and when I open the door, I’m surprised to see Brax pounding the shit into the punch bag. Brax has been a nomad for years and has the same twisted talents as Jessie. He’s a great enforcer because, like Jessie, he gets a kick out of what he does.

He’s been hanging around for a few months now, and I’ve heard whispers that he might be sticking around for good. The club sure as hell could do with him, we’ve already lost a member in Chop, which despite being good fuckin’ riddance, is still a drop in numbers. The club is at a constant threat from rivals, and an extra pair of hands, especially skilled ones, would be welcomed.

“What ya doin’ here kid?” Brax stops his assault on the bag and throws an unimpressed look in my direction. He’s drenched in sweat and sucking hard through his nostrils for breath, but I still wouldn’t fuck with him. I’ve seen for myself what he’s capable of.

“Same as you,” I tell him, stepping forward and reaching over my shoulder to pull my tee over my head. Brax rips the Velcro on his glove open with his teeth and pulls it off, and after freeing his other hand he tosses both gloves at me. Then he surprises me when he picks up a pad and holds it up for me to punch. I’ve never really taken the time to speak to Brax, he’s a loner, and where he sure has a voice, he don’t often use it for making nice.

Still, he’s dependable, strong, and has a no fucks attitude. Everyone likes him, but no one’s close to him. Like me, he keeps himself to himself.

Once I’ve gloved up I get straight to work, throwing my fists at the pad he’s holding, I can tell by the way Brax shrugs and nods at the same time that he’s impressed. He’s got nearly ten years on me, I stand taller and I’m built broader than he is, but I still know he could take me. He knows it too. I think the only person who could make him sweat is Troj.

“So, what’s got under your skin?” he asks after one of my sharp blows pushes him backward. I consider ignoring him, ain’t like I can tell him the truth.

Prez’s secret daughter just offered me her virginity and I’m seriously considering fuckin’ taking it.
