Page 38 of Reckless Soul

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“Remember what I said. You stay away from the boy. Unless you want to make those examinations a regular occurrence,” he threatens.

The sound of my scream pierces my ears but no sound leaves my mouth. I open the door and jump out, rushing into school as fast as I can. Abby is already waiting at my locker for me, bouncing on her toes like the floor is made of hot coals.

“Morning.” I manage a smile, opening my locker and dumping my bag.

“Morning? Morning…? You're kidding me, right?”

“No. last time I checked it’s still morning.” Rolling my eyes, I grab my physics textbook.

“You need to tell me what the fuck happened yesterday after hunkasaurus picked you up from the club on his bike. That was totally awesome. Tell me he kissed you. Tell me he fucking kissed you, Ella Jackson.” She shakes my shoulders in her hands. But I blank her out completely when I see Luke glaring at me across the hall and turn my back.

“Morning,” he calls out to me, and I ignore him.

“I said, good morning.” He’s standing beside us now, making it impossible for me to avoid him.

“Waiting on your boyfriend?” he asks with a smug grin that I’m so tempted to scratch off his face.

“What’s it to you?” Abby bites back at him, we both know that the minute Nyx shows up, Luke’s cocky act will be over.

“I’m just hoping you enjoy it while it lasts,” he taunts, begging for me to retaliate. Instead, I search around the corridor impatiently. Nyx should be here soon. “I don’t know what you see in him, but if I’d known that the bad boy vibe was what got in those panties, I wouldn’t have been so nice to you,” he whispers as he leans in too close.

“Why don’t you fuck off, Luke?” Abby crosses her arms over her chest and Luke snarls at her before he flicks his eyes back to me

“I’m gonna find out what your shady boyfriend’s hiding, what has him thinking he’s got so much power over everyone. And when I know his dirty little secrets, I’m gonna crush him and run him out of town. Then…” his hand reaches up and tucks my hair behind my ear. It feels nothing like the time Nyx did it. “…everything can go back to how it was.” He smiles a dark smile at me before he crosses back over the hall to his locker. The chill of Luke’s final words thaw when I spot Nyx walking through the entrance, his bag hanging off his shoulder and looking wickedly delicious

“Mornin’ darlin’.” He lifts his head at me, reaching around my shoulders and pulling me under his arm. I’m still unnerved by what Luke just said. Worried about what he might actually find out if he does do some digging.

“You’re in a good mood,” I look up at him.

“Yep.” He kisses the top of my head, leading us towards my first class and quickly making me forget all about Luke and his threats. The hall is chaotic as always and Luke remains at his locker watching me with that smug look on his face, one that suggests he has the power to make my world come crashing down.

Nyx is waiting for me by my locker between second and third, and I smile at him when he shifts his shoulder out the way so I can open it to switch books. Taking out my textbook, I ignore Luke’s eyes burning a hole into the back of my head. A loud crash makes me jump, and I know shit’s about to get ugly when I realize it’s Nyx’s palm connecting with the locker beside mine. The calm, content look he had on his face moments ago completely vanished.

“I’ll fuckin’ kill him,” he growls, already storming across the hall towards Luke.

“Wait.” I chase after him, tugging at his arm, and pleading for him to come back. “Please don’t.”

“You expect me to stand there and let him look at you like you’re a piece of shit, I’ma wipe that snigger right off his face.” He rips himself from my grip and carries on moving in on Luke.

“No, Nyx.” I rush in front of him, blocking his path and preventing him from taking another step forward.

“Ell, I ain’t gonna let him stare you down like that.” He looks down at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“Jesus, Nyx, why do you have to be like this all the damn time. Sometimes it’s like you go around looking for trouble,” I yell at him, and I don’t care that everyone has stopped what they are doing and are staring at us. I can’t risk him getting suspended before we graduate.

He looks back at me like I’ve physically hurt him, and I wish he understood why I can’t have him going off at Luke and making the situation worse. Luke has a vendetta, he’s used to getting what he wants. I can’t lose Nyx over him.

Nyx holds up his hands in surrender, shaking his head and backing away from me. I feel like shit for killing his happy mood. Hurting his feelings puts a lump in my throat and a sting in my chest.

“What was all that about?” Abby appears from behind me, her hand resting on my shoulder.

“Nyx was gonna pound Luke for the way he just looked at me,” I say, realizing how pathetic that sounds.

“He’s so dreamy,” Abby sighs dramatically.

“I swear Luke does it to get a reaction, he spoke to me this morning, says he’s gonna find out what Nyx’s deal is,” I explain.

“And you’re worrying what he might actually find out,” she guesses. I hate her for always being so accurate.
