Page 41 of Reckless Soul

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“Ever heard the phrase, don’t eat yellow snow. I’m thinking the same thing applies here,” I smirk at Danny, and Tac shrugs his shoulders before he buries his head back into the mirror.

“Well, anyone who knows what they’re snorting, ain’t gonna pay a high price for this. It’s cut too heavy,” he tells Danny when he’s finished.

“I got an appointment due in any minute, but if you want my boy here to come with you to the station, I’m sure he can get whoever you're holding to loosen their lips.” Tac tips his head towards me.

“He already lawyered up. So, probablynot a great idea. Tell Jimmer we’ll let you know if we get a name. Thanks for the help.”

“All part of the service, Officer.” Tac smiles. “I’ll keep a hold of this for further investigation and bring the situation to the table at church tomorrow.” He winks, tucking the baggy in his back pocket.

“I’ll leave this with you guys,” Danny places a card of his own on the table. “Anything else comes to light, you give me a call.” Officer Foster leaves and Tac picks up the card and checks it out.

“You really think we can trust him?” I ask, the club doesn't let outsiders in easily, especially those involved with law enforcement. Roswell and Jimmer go back years.

“Prez had Maddy check him out, he’s sound. Besides he’s got an edge. I like that in a person.” Tac moves from the stool he’s perched on and starts setting up his station.

We finish up around eight, and I help Tac pull down the large shutter door before we both saddle our bikes.

“Fucking hands are killing me today,” Tac says grabbing his bars.

“They pulled off some sick shit though, the horse you put on that chick’s ribs looked insane,” I tell him.

“That was your sketch, kid,” he reminds me. He doesn’t start up his engine like I expect him to, instead he leans his arms over his bars. “You know, soon as we find a replacement prospect, Prez is gonna give you your cut.” I don’t know why Tac decides now is a good time to bring this up, but it only reminds me of the position I’m in and how I have no idea how to get out of it.

“You think?” I test, wondering if he knows what the other brothers’ thoughts were.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t he? You’re a good kid, you do a shit ton for the club, and you may have a stinking attitude, but name one of us who doesn’t.” He nods at his own point. “Let's unwind tonight, get some liquor and pussy, smash ‘em both. Club should be quiet, you might be able to catch a fucking break.”

I wonder what Ella’s doing tonight, if she’s hanging out with Abby or just by herself.

“Come on, whatcha waitin’ on?” Tac asks, getting impatient.

“I got to check something out first. I’ll catch you there,” I tell him, deciding to stop by and check in on her. Tac gives me a confused shake of his head before he starts his engine and heads off towards the club. I’m about to take off myself and head for Ella’s place when I notice a guy stumble out of the station across the street. I watch him take out his cell, his hands shaking as he dials. I recognize him from somewhere. Then when I realize where it’s from, I push the kickstand on my bike back down and turn off my engine.

“Toby,” I call out at him to be sure, and when he looks up at me I know I’ve got it right. His eyes still look cruel, even when squinting to try and make a recognition.

He doesn’t seem to have grown much over the years, and now that I’m at least a foot taller than him he doesn’t seem intimidating at all. His clothes are dirty, and he walks with a limp. It seems life ain’t been kind to him.

“Do I know you?” he asks, looking agitated as I move across the street towards him. My guess is he’s on a fucking comedown and I wonder if he’s the DUI driver who Roswell busted earlier.

“Yeah, we go back. You remember Heidi and Bill’s foster home?” I put on a friendly tone and his expression changes.

“Nyx.” He pulls together a fake, toothless smile.

“Yeah,” I nod.

“It’s good to see ya, man. I could really use some help, just a couple of bucks. I just got released and I need to catch a bus back to Colorado Springs.”

“A DUI, huh?” I check, because this is too fuckin’ good.

“Yeah, fucking assholes busted me before I pulled on to the interstate.”

I laugh at the sorry son of a bitch and watch the hopeful look on his face turn to fear when I grab his arm, twist it around his back and slam him face first into the florist shop window.

“Where you get that shit from?” I ask crushing his wrist in my fist and lifting it higher up his spine.

“I don’t know what you’re…” I pull the knife from my belt and press it against his throat.

“Toby, now ain’t the right time to be testing my patience,” I warn. Christ this fucker stinks.
