Page 42 of Reckless Soul

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“I got it from a friend of a friend, I don’t know his fucking name.”

“I don’t believe you.” I push him harder into the glass and increase the tension I’ve got on his arm.

“He’s new, but the cheapest around,” Toby manages through the pain I’m causing.

“You’re gonna give me his contact details, then you are gonna fuck off back to wherever you came from,” I tell him. “And if I ever see your face in this town again, you’ll leave it with a fucking tag on your toe.”

“He’s just a kid,” Toby says releasing a long breath.

“And he’s dealing here in town?”

“He deals fucking everywhere,” Toby manages a laugh and I release him, spinning him back round so he’s looking up at me.

“How do I contact him?”

“If you’re lookin’ for a fix, Nyx, you should have just asked, no need for bad manners and blades. I slam my fist into his face and he stumbles back.

“Jesus,” Toby spits some blood streaked phlegm at the sidewalk before he fumbles inside his pockets. “Here,” he holds up his cell to me. “I got him saved under Mom,” he laughs as he drags himself up off the floor.

I pull up the contact on his phone and take a photo of the number with mine. Prez will want to deal with this quickly before it gets out of hand.

I throw the cell back at him and just as I’m heading back across the street, I hear someone call my name. It’s Officer Foster, he’s out of uniform, running on the other side of the street covered in sweat from working out. He jogs over to catch up with me and flicks out his earphones.

“I see he got released.” He looks over the street at Toby, who's still pulling himself back together. “I saw you talking to him, there a problem?” he checks.

“Not anymore, looks like I got a contact number for the dealer. I’m gonna head back to the club and fill Prez in now.” I really wanna get to Ella, but I have a responsibility to the club.

Danny nods back at me, but something’s off, he looks disappointed.

“What’s up?” I ask.

“Nothing, good work.” He smiles back at me but it ain’t genuine.

“What’s on your mind, Officer?” I look at him suspiciously.

“It’s just…” he sags his shoulders and rolls his eyes. “I was kinda hoping I’d get the info. I want Prez to trust me. I want Roswell to believe I can do this. When he retires he gets a huge say in who takes his place. He’s gonna want someone who can work with the club.”

“Believe me, if you didn’t work with the club, Prez wouldn't have you on the compound.” I snigger, it would have taken a lot of persuasion from Roswell for him to trust Danny. He’s got nothing to worry about when it comes to Roswell. I’ve never seen it before but me and the deputy ain’t so different.

“You’re right, I just wanted to prove myself. What the club and this department got goin’ on works.” I look up at the town clock, it’s already gone eight fifteen. I really wanna get to Ella, and if I’m being honest I wanna avoid seeing Prez. I hate the guilt of betraying him.

“I got something I need to take care of. It’s gonna be awhile before I get back to the club, Prez is gonna wanna set to work on this fast. What’s say you swing by the club and offload the information I got to Prez. Tell him you cracked him in the interview room.”

“You don’t have to do that.” Danny looks down at his feet, and I can see that his pride’s a little hit.

“You can owe me one.” I take my cell back out and pull up the picture of the contact number I took before passing my phone over to Danny. “Send that to yourself so you can show Prez. Apparently he’s just a kid. Probably just a runner, but Jessie will know who he’s working for by the time he’s done with him.”

“I appreciate that, Nyx.” Danny hands my phone back to me when he’s done. “I stored my number in your contacts, you let me know when I can return that favor.” He nods his head at me and then jogs back towards the station where his patroller is parked.

We both set off in our separate directions. Danny towards the club, and me heading for Castle Rock.

It’s amazing how much joy a simple gesture can bring to someone.

I can’t remember ever wanting material things. My parents both come from rich families and my Mom likes to shop… A lot. It’s always been the small things that have brought me the greatest delights. Like Mom reading me a bedtime story on Christmas Eve when I was a kid, or the way Penelope arranges the chocolate chips on my pancakes into a smiley face when she knows I’ve woken up in a bad mood.But none of that compares to Nyx climbing into my room at night. He came last night and we made out on my bed then he waited until I fell asleep again before he took off.

Feeling fresh, I leap out of bed and quickly shower so I can take my time picking out something pretty to wear to school.The thought of Nyx coming last night keeps a smile on my face the whole way through breakfast. It gives me a focus during the agonizing journey to school with Father, and it makes me practically bounce into Lit class first period.

Nyx is already sitting at the back of class, and he offers me a shy smile as I walk in and sit at my desk. Despite my excitement. We’re given a new assignment by Mrs. Wallace, and when the bell rings I wait for the rush out of class to die down before making my way to the door. I try to hide my smile when I feel his hand wrap around my wrist and drag me out to the corridor, caging me against the student noticeboard beneath his strong arm. He smells of tobacco and danger. I’ve missed him.
