Page 43 of Reckless Soul

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“Ella.” The way he breathes me in as he says my name makes my legs quiver. “You miss me?” he asks, like he can read my mind.

“Nyx, it’s been hours not days.” I attempt sounding cool but I’m rubbish, who am I kidding. His head tips sideways and the way his large frame hunches over me and his eyes hold onto mine make it really difficult not to kiss him right here in the corridor. Before I embarrass him in front of everyone, I duck under his arm and start walking to class.

“Oi,” Nyx calls after me, and when I flick my head around his lips slam hard onto mine. His kiss isn’t long or drawn out, it’s merely a quick peck, but it sends all my nerves into overdrive.

“I’ll be seeing you later.” His promise sounds much more like a warning as he backs up a few strides, his tongue rolling around in the corner of his mouth as he watches me. He turns around and disappears into the crowd and I stand rooted to the spot, ignoring the shoulder barges and chaos of the hall during class change.

The rest of the school day passes quickly but the feeling of dread soon pits in my stomach while I stand and wait for Father to pick me up. When he arrives, I take out a book from my bag and start reading whilst Father drives. There’s never any conversation between us and it will be far less awkward if I have something to focus on.

I only end up reading the same line over and over though because all I can think about is Nyx and his promise to see me later.

We’re just pulling on to our street when something catches my eye, and I recognize the hooded skull straight away. It’s the same one that had been carved into the tree back at Nyx’s shelter in the woods, only this time it’s on the back of a leather vest, worn by a guy on a motorcycle and parked on the corner.

Father grunts something under his breath as we pass the rider. I use the wing mirror to look back at him. The guy looks menacing and possesses the exact same kind of danger Nyx does. It’s too much of a coincidence for them not to be linked. Still, I manage to stem my curiosity and act normal as Father pulls on to the drive.

“Your Mother and I are out for dinner with the Hendersons tonight. Your mother is already dreading it after your latest little fuck up, she doesn’t need anything else to worry about. Penelope will be sticking around tonight to make sure you don’t do anything stupid.” His eyes look me over like I’m something he just stepped in. I respond the way he’d want me to, nodding submissively, then head straight up to my room.

I shower and change, then do all my homework. Anything, I can to make time go faster. Penelope knocks on my door around seven to ask what I want for dinner and I tell her I’ll make myself a sandwich later. I’m too excited to eat. Tonight could be the night. My parents are out, and even though Penelope is ‘babysitting’, she’ll soon be so transfixed in her crocheting she won’t care about what’s going on up here.

I’ve been craving that feeling I get when me and Nyx are together all day. No amount of showers or baths can take the feel of Father's hands from my skin. Every time I close my eyes I see him hovering over me, grunting as he examines inside me. It makes my stomach churn and my skin turn cold. I know from experience that Nyx has the capability to make everything go away. When Nyx’s hands are on me nothing else matters, there is no past or future, only us in the present.

I want Nyx to be who I see when I close my eyes, it feels like he’s the only person who can fix me. And it doesn’t even scare me that my father threatened to kill him. When it comes to Nyx, fear has never been a factor. He holds a threat in his eyes that I know could protect me from anything, even memories.

My very own hero, but instead of armor and a stead, he’s got ink and rides a motorcycle.

My father picks on weak people, and Nyx is anything but weak. As long as I’ve got Nyx, he won’t be able to hurt me either.

I’m starting to lose hope of him coming when darkness falls and it gets late. But when I hear a rustle from the leaves outside, relief settles my nerves.

She doesn’t look happy when I climb on to her balcony, and the way she glares at me with her arms crossed and a pout on her lips makes my cock hungry.

“Took your time,” she huffs, sounding unimpressed.

“I had clu…” I stop myself before I fuck up, “…stuff to take care of,” I whisper, creeping in through her balcony door. “You ain't mad at me, are ya?” I try being playful, the same way Jessie is with Maddy when she gets mad at him, though I know that shit doesn’t suit me.

“Depends.” She rolls her eyes before shifting up her bed and resting her back against the headboard.

“I was thinking shit over,” I admit. I didn't go to the studio after school. I went to the gym and spent some time going over stuffbefore I rode out here.

“What kind of shit?” she asks, looking worried.

I can’t exactly tell her the truth. That she’s unknowingly destroying every chance I have of being a member of a club that has been my whole life focus since I was eight years old. Or that I'm juggling with daggers wanting to do all the things I want to do to her. Instead, I give her another reason why us being together is a real bad idea.

“I feel selfish for wanting you.” I move to sit on the edge of her bed, my fingers fiddling with the lace trims on her white comforter blanket. “Me and you, we were never supposed to be a thing. We’re from two completely different worlds. You don’t belong in mine and I sure as shit don’t belong in yours.” I take a look around her luxurious bedroom. Light, fresh and pure. “I can’t see no middle ground for us, Ella,” I admit honestly.

“So why are you here?” She leans forward, crawling across the mattress to me,and when I turn my head around and catch her eyes, the way they stare back fucking breaks me.

“Because I ain't about to let it stop me,” I admit.

Her mouth doesn’t move, but her eyes smile. They twinkle with hope and excitement for the future, one I know we’ll never get. But I’m selfish enough to let her think differently because I want to be her hope. I like how good that feels too much to give it up.

I stare at her for a real long time before I give in and kiss her, trying so hard to be soft and gentle. It’s never been this way before, but with Ella, it comes like a second sense. My hand slides up her neck to cup her cheek, and I hold her in my palm like she’s the most precious thing to ever touch my skin.

Ella releases a relieved little sigh into my mouth when my tongue slips between her lips and her petite body curls around mine, her legs wrapping around my waist and squeezing me between them tightly. She must feel my cock straining between us, rubbing against my denim and pushing against the flimsy cotton of her sleep shorts.She grips at my T-shirt, dragging it up over my ribs, and I lift my arms to aid her as she strips it from me. Then grabbing her ass cheeks in my hands, I squeeze them tight and force her to grind deeper onto my lap. Her lips break away from mine, and she places delicate kisses all over my jaw and neck. Driving me fucking insane for her.

“Nyx, you remember what you promised me?” she whispers.

How could I fucking forget, it’s all I’ve thought about since she asked me. That, and how the fuck I’ll ever survive it.
