Page 79 of Reckless Soul

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When we get back to the compound there’s no welcome home party like there usually is when a brother gets out. But, I ain’t a brother. I fucked all that up for myself too. Troj drives straight up to the cabins and Maddy is sitting out on the porch waiting for us, at least someone looks excited to see me.

“Nyx, Jesus Christ, you’ve um…” she looks me up and down, a shocked expression on her face.

“Weren’t much I could do inside but work out,” I explain.

“Bet he’s got himself one heck of a strongright arm.” Troj grabs at my bicep and Maddy blushes.

“Mom freshened up your cabin for ya, and maybe you could have dinner with us tonight as it’s your last…” She stops herself from finishing her sentence looking sheepishly at Jessie.

“He knows,” Jessie puts her out of her misery and moves past us into his cabin.

“And does that invitation extend to handsome best friends who have to live by themselves these days?” Troj asks.

“If they remember to bring wine,” Maddy smiles sweetly.

“I’ll see ya at seven,” Troj dips his head and heads back to the truck.

“Thanks for the ride,” I shout out before he pulls off.

“Why did you do it?” I ask her when I know the others can’t hear. There’s only one way Ella’s name could have made its way onto my visitors list that day she came to see me.

“Because you both needed it,” she tells me, looking a little guilty.

“I’ve really hurt her, and no matter how many times I try telling myself it’s for her own good, it don’t feel right.”

“You need anything?” Maddy asks me, pity all over her pretty face.

“As a matter of fact, I do”

I walk up to the front door of the big fancy mansion, there’s only one car on the drive and it’s the one that belongs to her. Not that it matters, I wouldn't care if her parents were home. I came here to have a conversation and there’s no way I’m leaving for Utah without answers.

I knock hard and wait a few minutes. There’s no answer so I try my luck and push down the handle, hardly surprised when the door opens. People who live in neighborhoods like this one don’t need to lock their doors.

“Hello,” I call out as I step into the hall. The place is as lavish as you’d expect from the outside. But when I find myself in the kitchen, I’m surprised by the state of the place. There are takeaway containers all over the sides, empty bottles and I hear glass crunch beneath my boot when I take my next step. I must have just missed the party.

I move out the kitchen and head up the stairs, where music is blasting out of one of the bedrooms and when I push open the door, I’m completely shocked by what I see.

“Did you bring it?” Abby struggles to prop herself up from being laid out on her bed, and if it wasn’t her house I was standing in, I’d hardly recognize her. Her body is so much thinner than I remember, her skin like creased up paper stuck to her bones. I don’t know if her head has shrunk or if her teeth have grown, but they seem far too big for her mouth.

“Nyx.” She looks shocked to see me, and I quickly realize it’s fear, not shock when she tries backing herself up the mattress to get away from me. “I did what they asked, I retracted my statement,” she assures me.

“What the fuck happened to you?” I ask, stepping closer. I didn’t come here to fuckin’ hurt her. I came here for answers. I need to know why she betrayed Ella, what was she doing in that car with Luke when she knew how much shit he gave her best friend. And I need to know that she’s gonna look out for her now I’m going away again.

“I ain’t gonna hurt ya,” I assure Abby, keeping my face stern. I mean what I say, but that doesn’t mean I ain’t mad at her.

“I need to know why you betrayed her like that. What were you doing in that asshole’s car that night? You know how hard he’s made things for Ella, she’s your friend for Christ sake.”

“Yeah, well not anymore.” Abby scratches at her arm and tries wetting her lips. She’s shaking like fuck, the sacks under her eyes suggesting she hasn’t slept.

“Where are your parents?” I ask, realizing there’s something very wrong here.

“I’d say probably Belgium right now, or maybe Germany. I gave up giving a fuck a month ago,” she laughs bitterly.

“What?” I step closer. The girl’s room is a state, clothes thrown everywhere. But the shit on the bedside table confirms all my suspicions.

“Shit, Abby, how long you been jacking up?” I check out the empty syringe and slam it back down again. And all the stupid little bitch can do is laugh back at me.

“This isn’t a joke, Abby. This is fucking serious. This shit can kill you.”
