Page 44 of Vengeful Soul

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“He died. Coincidently a few days before your mom and dad’s accident.” My shoulders sag and I feel my heart slump to my stomach.

This can’t be happening.

I need out of this.

What happened last night, the way Brax has treated me since. There has to be an end to it all. A way for me to go back to how my life was before all this chaos.

“I’m sorry it’s not better news. But Prez is talking to the boys down at church, I’m sure they’ll come up with something.” Maddy is doing her best to sound reassuring but it’s not convincing me.

“My dad may seem scary, but if he makes a promise, he keeps it. As long as you’re here you’ll be safe.” Ella reaches out her hand and places it over mine. She’s younger than me, and her kind eyes match the color of her hair exactly.

“Your dad?” Now I’m really struggling to keep up.

“Prez is my dad, I found out a few months ago, around the same time that Nyx found out Brax was his brother.”

“Yep, things sure have changed up here on Walton’s mountain,” Maddy says with a sigh, she’s being sarcastic and I can’t help but laugh, despite the shitty mood Brax has put me in.

“Things can be a little strange around here at first but once you get used to it, you’ll be fine. Nyx says that Brax likes you.”

“Ella!” Maddy gasps at her friend, then blushes at me.

“What?” Ella shrugs, “Nyx really said that, he says his brother looks at you strangely.”

“I thought that was just Brax’s face,” I say with a shrug and when both the girls giggle back at me, I join them.

“Brax is intense, there’s no denying that. He’s like a lone wolf, doesn’t let many people in. It took years of visiting the club before he told Nyx he was his brother. I think he tries, but he sure sucks at the whole bonding thing.” Ella turns things serious again.

“I just thought it was me. That maybe I wind him up the wrong way,” I admit, blowing over my cup before taking a sip.

“No that’s just his way,” Maddy says cheerily. “But he played a risk for you yesterday, him and Jessie both did. It paid off though. I want to nail these bastards to the wall as much as you do.” Her innocent face turns sinister. “They should be hung by their balls for what they do.”

“I can’t think about it.” Ella closes her eyes and kisses the top of her little boy's head. He’s got such cute golden locks.

It’s hard enough to imagine what those monsters do, without being a Mom.

“And if Prez and Jessie can pull off this whole truce pact with the Bastards, that means we get our freedom too.” Maddy looks at Ella with a huge smile.

“What?” This new piece of information will need more explaining.

“It’s a whole other story, let’s just say the Bastards MC have unfinished business with me, and Ella here got herself one heck of a protective Daddy and fiancé.”

I spend over an hour talking with the girls, and decide quickly that I like them. They fill me in on how things work around here. I learn that church isn’t actually church, well not like I thought it was anyway, and that there are plenty of other women around here but none of them are ‘claimed’ the way Ella and Maddy are.

Sounds delightful.

I’m playing on the floor with Dylan when the rumbling of bikes rattles the cabin walls. And my new little friend instantly smiles and starts waving his arms.

“Daddy’s home,” Ella tells him, lifting him up.

I stand on my feet, and wait with anticipation, wondering if Brax will come back for me. If he does, I sure hope he’s in a better mood.

Jessie steps inside first, looking serious as he heads straight for Maddy and pulls at her waist. He kisses her so hard on the mouth that I feel like I should look away. He’s followed in by Nyx who takes Dylan straight out of Ella’s arms and scrunches his nose up playfully at him. Then draping his huge arm around Ella’s shoulders, he scoops her in and presses a kiss on her cheek.

This is a much different version of the guy I met back at Brax’s cabin yesterday.

Brax comes in behind them. stomping all over the warm atmosphere in the room, and yep, he’s got the same harsh look on his face that he left with.

“Prez said you got an address for me,” he tips his chin at Maddy, then takes out his pack of cigarettes while he waits, placing one between his pouty lips.
