Page 59 of Vengeful Soul

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“We suspect Clunk was leading the operation, and there’s no vote needed to be taken over his fate,” Prez tenses. “The rest of the names have their risks, but could also have rewards.”

“You wanna hand this information over to the law, give these bastards the privilege of three meals a day?” Troj shakes his head disapprovingly. “And, who can we trust? Brax took out four fuckers from the CIA who wanted that shit right there buried.”

“He’s got a point,” I add, not liking the idea of anyone on that list living another day if they are a threat to Gracie. When she leaves here, I don’t want her to have to look over her shoulder. And I’ll enjoy taking each of them out single-handedly, to enable that to happen.

“So we vote,” Prez says. “Raise ya hand if you think the club should take responsibility for taking these shit stains down.” Silence falls across the room and every brother raises his arm, except for me, and that’s only because my vote won't count.

“That seals it. The names on this list…” Prez holds up the piece of paper in front of him, “…just became Dirty Soul business. We pick them off one by one, and we keep it discreet. Some of the names on here are high profile.”

“When do we start?” Squealer twists his head and cracks his neck.

“Me, Jessie, and Brax will meet with Lector and give him his evidence. Clunk will be the first one taken out. We deal with the others quickly and keep it clean.” Prez’s eyes land on Grimm who nods back confidently.

“Grimm, be on standby for clean-up. Until then you’re with Nyx on wedding duty. My girl wants it, she gets it. Understood.” His eyes move to Nyx.

“Gotcha, Pops.” Nyx’s sense of humor earns a few laughs from the brothers, and a warning look from Prez.

“Troj, I need you and the twins to check out an address Maddy picked up from a cell tracker.”

My interest immediately peaks. This could be another lead on Chop.

“I can do that. Troj needs to ride with you,” I interrupt, feeling my pulse twitch.

“I want you with us,” Prez tells me.


“Brax, you ride with us.” His voice is stern, eyes daring me to argue. And I don’t miss the confused look Jessie and Nyx give each other.

“Get to work, boys,” Prez slams the gavel down, calling an end to the meeting. I stand up and storm out of there before anyone does something stupid like trying to speak to me.

Brax flies through the door like a hurricane, the door crashing loudly behind him making me jump. He heads straight into the bedroom, and I debate whether I should follow him or not. He returns to the room a few minutes later with a duffel bag on his shoulder.

“I got to head out.” He opens the kitchen drawer, rooting around in it until he finds a roll of gaffer tape. Then shocks the hell out of me when he pulls a huge fishing hook from under the sink.

“Ooookay.” I watch on suspiciously. He’s like a storm cloud waiting to break, his brow creased and his eyes wild as he stuffs more items inside the bag. I can’t help wonder where he could be going that would require a whole bag of salt?

He stops just before he gets to the door and looks back at me like he isn’t quite sure what to do next.

“Be careful,” I tell him. Sensing that whatever he’s heading out to is dangerous, with Brax, everything seems dangerous.

“Don’t ya waste time worrying about me,” he tells me sharply, and it feels like a cut across my skin, especially after I thought we’d made a breakthrough this morning. “I don’t know when I’ll be back, should be later tonight.”

“Come back when you like, makes no odds to me,” I answer just as curtly, turning my back on him and stropping into the bedroom. If that’s how he wants it to be, that’s how he’ll have it. I’m done trying to figure him out, playing guess the fucking mood.

Footsteps thud behind me and my body gets spun around so roughly it makes me dizzy, and before I can protest, Brax’s mouth slams hard over mine.

“Stop being a brat,” he warns me, his lips kicking up into a lopsided smile that makes my legs turn to Jell-O. He turns and leaves, and I wait until I hear the door close and his bike tear out the yard before I come back out.

I’m struggling with the confines of the cabin walls, so I decide to put some space around me and get some air.

The yard is empty when I step outside, and I want to explore. So, I set off, following the rough track down the hill.

“You alright?” I hear a voice I recognize call out from above me, and when I look over to my left, I see Nyx balancing on a ladder that’s propped against one of the derelict barns. He’s stapling a string of tiny bulbs that are being fed to him by Grimm, who looks far from impressed.

“I’m fine, just going for a wander,” I answer with a smile.

“Stay on the compound, and stay away from Squealer,” he tells me with a smirk. This Squealer guy seems to have quite the reputation.
