Page 104 of Damaged Soul

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My cell vibrates, and when I see it’s Jessie I step outside to answer it.

“Grimm, where are ya?”

“Had a private issue to take care of,” I answer, unwilling to give any more away than that. My club brothers don’t know anything about my mama, and that’s the way I intend things to stay.

“Me, Brax and Skid are gonna ride back out to the bar in Pueblo, we wanna talk to the owner who Rogue shot, and we ain't sure how shit’s gonna pan out. Figured as it's Rogue related, you’d want in?” He’s damn fucking right on that one.

“I’ll be back at the club in thirty, don’t go without me,” I tell him, hanging up the phone.

“Anything important?” Mama looks up from the photo album that she’s flicking through with Rogue when I step back inside.

“That was work. I got a job come through.” Rogue looks up at me and smiles mischievously.

“Oh that’s a shame, Richie, but you mustn’t let me keep you. Are you going to visit again next week?”

“Of course we will,” Rogue responds. “And in the meantime, I’ll practice that stitch you taught me.” She smiles so sweetly that it’s almost impossible to imagine the dirty things I did to her just hours ago at the cabin.

“Who died?” she asks as we climb onto my bike.

“No one. Skid and Jessie are riding out to Pueblo to speak to the guy you shot.”

“You want me to come too? Maybe I could shoot out his other knee.” She wraps her hands around my waist and kisses my neck.

“Ain’t you got some stitching to be working on?” I tease, looking over my shoulder and smirking.

“You keep throwing that dirty smirk over your shoulder at me, Richie Carter, and I’ma fuck you right here in this parking lot.”

“You know, Mama remembers things that aren’t related to her trauma. She will ask you next week to show her what you’ve been practicing.”

“And I’ll distract her by telling her how insanely in love with her son I am.”

I shake my head at my crazy girl, before kick-starting my bike and heading for the club.

Jessie leads the ride out to Pueblo, and when we get there, there’s someone already waiting for us by the door. The guy’s around Skid's build and I’m guessing he’s our informer since he nods at Jessie as we pass him.

The bar’s near enough empty and as soon as we step inside, the two women working behind the bar scurry outback. Two men are sitting around a small table, and I snigger when I see one of them has his leg in a cast. He must be the one Rogue shot. There’s a box set on the table between them, that I also recognize.

“See you got the last part of your friend,” Jessie gestures his head to the box that contains McAlister’s tongue.

“Ivan is gonna want blood for what happened.” The older guy swipes under his nose like he’s thirsty for a fix.

“Ivan won’t be getting jack shit from us,” Brax says, and when the younger of the two stands up like he’s gonna do something, Brax quickly steps up into his space and stares him back down onto his ass again.

“Prez wants a meeting, on neutral ground. We ain’t interested in what he’s doing so long as it doesn’t involve our family and it don’t get brought into our town.” Jessie puts it simply and the older guy laughs at him.

“You think it’s gonna be that simple? You boys have been running shit your way for too long, you haven’t come up against someone like him before. He’s a different level of power. One that’ll wipe you clean out.”

“Well he didn’t do such a good job of that the other week, us on the other hand… What was the body count, Brax?” Jessie looks over to Brax, whose eyes are still blazing into the younger guy, daring him to move.

“I got it at nine,” he answers.

“You’re making a mistake.” He shakes his head.

“We hear he owns this place too, maybe we should let him know we ain't fucking around.” Skid moves behind the bar and helps himself to a shot from the optics.

“Here’s how he can contact us,” Jessie places a card on the table with a cell number scribbled on the back. Then with a nod, we all leave the bar.

On the way out, Jessie shakes hands with the guy on the door, slipping him a hundred dollar bill through his fingers. And when the cuff of his jacket shifts up, I notice something that makes me stop in my tracks.
