Page 105 of Damaged Soul

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I see the tiny individual tears tattooed onto the arch of his left hand, and instantly I recall how Rogue shattered telling me about the man who stole her tears and marked himself with them to torment her.

My feet are moving toward him before my head even plays out what I’m gonna do about it. My fist snatching at his shirt and shoving him into the wall behind him.

“What’s with the tats?” I look down at his hand and snarl at him.

“Nothing of any significance.” He turns his bottom lip down and shrugs, remaining calm.

“Grimm, chill. He’s good.” I ignore the voice that comes from behind me and slam his body harder when he tries to move.

“You tell me what those tattoos mean right now or I’ll slit your damn throat.” I mean every word, I may have spent a lot of years doubting myself, but there's nothing in question when it comes to Rogue.

“You really wanna know?” He looks down at me with a snigger.

“They belong to the whore you got working at your club,” he tells me. “That little bitch was playing with my dick way before she started fiddling with your engines.”

“Holy shit!” I hear Jessie’s voice and catch Skid stepping forward in the corner of my eye. The guy starts to struggle, and although he’s much bigger than me, I find the strength to hold him.

I guess God put that power in me after all.

I use my thumb to press his eyeball into the back of his head, and the fucker screams, fighting hard to push me off. But I don’t let up, not until I hear a pop, followed by an agonized cry.

“Leave him,” I hear Skid growl from beside me, and when I check over my shoulder he’s stepped in front of Brax and Jessie. Neither of them attempts to fight him off, so I get back to work. Pounding the sick fuck’s skull into the brick wall behind him, my hands and face become filthy with the bastard's blood, but my arms don’t tire.

I keep on pounding until he stops fighting and his limp body slumps down the wall.

“What the fuck was that?” Jessie asks, moving around Skid and standing over the body. I look down at the lifeless figure and stand in shock. Taking his life had been easy, no hesitation, no remorse. He’d hurt Rogue, he made her cry. And I’d do it all over again, as many times as I have to, to protect her.

“He hurt Rogue,” I explain.

“We better load him up before any of us get seen.” Brax takes a look around us, it’s the middle of the day, and although it's in a quieter part of town, this ain’t a good situation for me to have put us in.

Skid is already shifting him into the side alley while Brax calls Storm to bring out a cage. Meanwhile, Jessie looks at me shocked.

“Come on, Grimm, let’s get back to the club, yeah?” He speaks slowly to me as if he doesn’t trust that I’m stable. Which I find ironic considering the things I know he’s capable of.

This is my first, and something tells me he senses that. I don’t give a shit about who’s gonna deal with the mess when I start making my way to my bike and start it up. I’m covered in the fucker’s blood, but all I can think about is getting home to Rogue. I want to hold her in my arms and promise her that he’ll never take a single one of her tears ever again.

I’ll deal with this body later, the others must understand because no one tries to stop me from leaving, and I ride full throttle all the way back to the club, heading straight up to my cabin when I see that the shutter door is shut on the garage.

“Hey,” she greets me in that same way that always makes my chest feel warm as I storm through the door, then she looks shocked when she sees me. I’m a mess. My skin and clothes, contaminated with his blood, but it doesn’t stop me from going to her and grabbing her cheeks in my blood-stained hands. I force my tongue between her lips, owning her mouth, and it seems to calm all the anger inside me.

“He’s dead,” I tell her when I stop to take a breath. “The guy who took your tears, the one who gives you nightmares. I ended him.”

“Grimm…” I don’t give her a chance to finish what she wants to say. Instead, I kiss her again and push her body against the pillar in the middle of the room. She smells so clean and fresh, she must have just showered, and I’m spoiling her with the sweat and blood of my sins. It doesn’t feel the slightest bit wrong, Rogue has awakened something inside me that overrides all my compulsions.

Right now it feels like she’s the only thing that can cleanse me. Rogue is my cure, and by ridding her of him, I can be hers too.

“That’s the kinda romantic shit I’m talking about,” she teases, and I actually laugh along with her, my lips pressing deeper into hers so she doesn’t just hear it, but feels it too.

“Fuck me, Grimm.” She pushes my cut off my shoulders and pulls at my T-shirt, and I lift her up so she’s straddling my waist. Because I don’t care if that asshole’s blood is still on my skin, I’m gonna give her what she wants, and I won’t make her wait for it.

Name something sexier than your man coming home covered in blood and telling you he just killed for you?

Grimm has me in his arms, but he doesn’t throw me on the bed and fuck me like I expect him to. Instead, he sits me on his lap and lays back against the mattress.

He’s looking sexier than I’ve ever seen him with his body streaked red and his eyes alive with desire. He slides his body between my legs, placing my knees on either side of his shoulders, and his hands aren’t gentle when they fist my skirt and push it up over my stomach.

He rips at my panties, leaving a burn mark on my hip from the friction of the fabric, before his mouth attacks me savagely. He licks and nips through my center, while his fingers grip at my ass cheeks and keep me tight to his mouth.
