Page 14 of Damaged Soul

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Grimm slowly shakes his head before he gets back to finishing up his breakfast, then he nods me a thank you before carrying his plate over to the sink. I watch him wash it up along with everything else I’ve used, and when I offer my help, he refuses with a shake of his head. Soon as he’s done, he silently makes his way toward the bathroom.

A while later, he comes out with a towel wrapped around his waist. Grimm may not be as big as some of the others but he’s cut like a work of art. It looks like shifting dead weight around really works those muscles for him, and he has way more tattoos than I imagined. In fact, his body is covered in them. He gives me an awkward kinda smile when he catches me staring and disappears into his room. When he returns to the kitchen a few minutes later, he’s dressed in black jeans, a white tee, and his cut, and his hair is combed over to the side… just how I like it.

“I gotta go talk to Prez, he’ll wanna know everything was taken care of yesterday.” He picks up his keys and cell from the table.

I quickly cover his hand with mine, pinning it to the table and preventing him from leaving. I don’t even know what causes the reaction from me, but the way Grimm stares at my hand like it’s made of acid, and is burning through his skin makes me jolt it away.

“Thank you, this wasn’t your problem. I appreciate the help,” I tell him.

“Yeah well, your problem’s Skid’s problem, and that makes it mine,” he says a little harshly before stomping toward the door.

“You wanna know why I did it?” The words blurt out, because for some reason I’m desperate for a little more of his time, and I chew down on my bottom lip and twist on my heels, feeling strangely nervous while I wait for his response.

His nostrils flare out, and his jaw tightens like he’s suddenly become mad at me, and it makes my pussy weep into my panties.

“Did he deserve it?” Grimm’s brows hood over his eyes, and something inside them warns me that if I lie to him, he’ll know about it.

Nodding my head, I show him no hesitation. Eddie deserved to die, if I could do it over again I would.

“Then I don’t need to know.” Grimm’s face remains deathly serious as he turns away from me and closes the door on his way out.

I release a frustrated breath once he’s left. Being around him is a lot harder than I anticipated. He’s standoffish and uninterested, but it does nothing to deter me from wanting to jump his bones. It actually makes me want him even more desperately.

I wait until his bike rumbles out the yard before I make my way back to his bedroom. It’s no shock that he’s made the bed, and I crease it up by lying spread-out on top of the sheets. Sheets that now don’t just smell like him, but like us.

My hand slides inside my panties and I close my eyes, letting my finger stroke between my pussy lips. I welcome the excitement that builds in my lower belly and threatens to turn into something much more intense. Circling the tip of my finger around my clit, I imagine the chill of Grimm’s nose ring touching me there, his warm, wet tongue lapping at me. Fingers digging deep into my thighs as he holds them open and licks me while those dark eyes watch me come apart.

He’d start off slow, wanting to taste me, but it wouldn't take long for him to become fast and uncontrolled, forcing me to come all over his tongue and soak his black bed sheets.

I lay staring at the ceiling for a while after I’ve come, feeling a little bit foolish, and a whole lot relieved. Then eventually I pull myself together, get up and head to the bathroom for a shower.

When I’ve put on some fresh clothes from my duffel bag, I set off for work. As I step onto Grimm’s front porch, the first people I see are Jessie and his old lady at their door, both looking equally shocked to see me.

“Mornin’.” I hold up my hand and head straight past them, acting like it's no big deal. Last thing I want is questions.

“Rogue?” Jessie calls after me, and I begrudgingly stop in my tracks, rolling my eyes before turning around to face him.

“You ‘kay, I heard you had a pretty rough day yesterday?” I can tell from the way he’s looking at me that he’s trying to figure me out.

I’m not an idiot. I know what Jessie’s role is around here. The guy knows a lie from the truth. It’s just as well I got nothing to hide.

“Rougher for some,” I hit him back sarcastically, wanting to hurry up and move on.

Jessie sniggers before turning his tone serious. “Skid’s real worried about ya. We’re all worried.”

“I’m sure you got bigger things to worry about.” I look over his shoulder toward his old lady. The girl is as damn near perfect as you can get, in a wholesome, churchy kinda way. She’s around the same age as me, but that’s all we got in common.

“We take care of each other around here, Rogue, if you’re in trouble, the club can help you.”

“I ain't in any trouble, and the club has already helped me enough. I’m fine,” I assure him, flicking my hair over my shoulder before I carry on down the track to the garage.

Jesus, this place is suffocating, everyone in each other’s business. Looking for problems to solve. It’s exhausting.

I roll up the garage door and inhale a long, deep breath, there’s nothing quite like the smell of engine oil in the morning. I notice that someone’s made a start on Roswell’s truck, whoever it was must have picked up some of the slack around here yesterday. I move through the workshop into the office to hang up my jacket. Marilyn must have come over yesterday to take everyone's overalls over to laundry, because the only one here is my spare one. When I pick it off the hook, I immediately smell peaches, which makes sense when I see Carly’s denim jacket hiding beneath. She always used to keep it down here for the nights she spent talking to Skid while he worked late, and a memory hits me, one that I haven’t thought about in a real long time.


“Hey, darlin’.” Carly kisses Skid on his cheek and when he grabs her ass with his greasy hand, she swats it away.
