Page 2 of Damaged Soul

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Sex is a temptation I rarely give into, but every once in a while, it becomes a necessity. Everyone needs a release sometimes. Mel seems about the only person around here capable of handling the job. She was here way before I came, and I guess all these years hanging out at the club must have grown her an extra couple layers on that thick skin of hers.

What appeals to me about Mel is the fact she never asks questions, more than likely because she senses she wouldn’t like my answers but it works for me.

Tonight, Mel wasn’t available, and now I’m about to find out if this new club slut is capable of handling me.

I can tell from the dreamy look in her eyes that she’s desperate to be claimed. She probably tried it with Troj first, maybe Thorne, they seem the popular choice these days. Now she’s desperate enough to be trying that shit with me, and she’s about to find out that I’m nothing close to the bad, biker boyfriend dream she’s chasing after.

I use my key to unlock the door, it’s the only room up here that ever gets locked. Prez gave me this privilege a few years ago because, unlike the other filthy fuckers around here, I’m particular about where I fuck.

This is my space, it may not get used all that often but I take care of it. I know it’s clean and I keep the key to ensure none of the others contaminate it.

The girl flashes me a warm, almost kind smile as she shuffles past me to get inside and I take a long, calming breath as I shut the door behind us.

“Where you want me, honey?” She sounds seductive and eager to please, and I have to clench my fists and try to calm the urges inside me. When I open my eyes, I glare them into the thin strip of fabric that barely covers her body.

“Take that off,” I instruct, loosening my belt as I step toward her. My cock is hard and hungry, begging for release from the month of torment I’ve punished myself with.

“My name's Clarissa,” she tells me sweetly, as she strips out of the tiny dress she’s wearing. When it drops to the floor, she scoops it up and places it neatly over the back of the chair behind her… Perhaps the girls have spoken to her after all.

My eyes scan her bare body, I know some of the brothers can be rough, she’s got a couple of marks to prove it. But what I require is on a different level, and as my eyes drop to the floor and I allow my dark thoughts to consume me deeper, I feel the guilt start to build.

“I want you to do exactly as I tell you,” I speak through my teeth.

“Sure.” She nods her head back at me.

“I won’t make this last any longer than it has to,” I promise, and she shakes off my words as she closes the gap between us. I haven’t even touched her yet and I feel bad for it. Maybe it's because she looks so much sweeter than the others. She’s new, fresh, and inexperienced. I could do some real damage to her.

“You got a wrapper for it?” She looks down at the bulge in my jeans and I raise an eyebrow at her. There ain’t no way I’d ever forget the fuckin’ rubber.

“Course ya do.” She smirks to herself, mocking me, and I’ll need to make the little bitch pay for that.

I pull a condom out from my back pocket, slipping it between my lips so I can tear it open with my teeth. The girl’s eyes widen as she watches me unzip my jeans and take the time to securely stretch the latex over my shaft. Maybe she’s not as innocent as I thought, I can tell she likes them big by the way she’s lookin’ at me.

“Ask,” I instruct, pulling my shirt off over my head as I stalk closer to her. The weakness in my voice doesn’t fuckin’ suit me, and I can hear the sound of him laughing at me in my head. He wouldn’t need her to fucking ask him, he’d take with or without her permission. But that, right there, is the difference between us. I keep the monster inside me chained. I need to hear that this club whore in front of me, who's probably already taken six dicks and a fist today, wants me.

“I want you to fuck me, Grimm.” Her palm stretches over my chest. It makes my skin itch so I snatch her wrist, crushing it with my fingers as I shake my head at her.

She’s steady as a fucking rock as I pull her hand away from my skin, which is more than can be said about me. Maybe that’s because she doesn’t know what’s coming next, and I hate myself for desiring it so damn much.

“Ask nicer,” I growl, closing my eyes. All that restraint I’m holding on to is slowly draining away, and once it’s gone, I know all the empathy inside me will vanish.

My conscience can’t save her when it’s up and fucked off.

“Fuck me… Please?” She tips her head, giving me a sickly sweet smile that makes me shudder. I step my body into hers, forcing her back against the wall as I wrap my hands around her thighs and lift her up from the ground. When her wet, hungry pussy sits flush with my cock, I hiss through my teeth. It makes my inner demon claw at his cage, screeching at me to set him free.

I feel her heat through the rubber as I enter her, and the rush of the relief scorches at my insides, thick like lava. Each inch she takes from me eats up a little more of the tension. I get my first moan out of her when I've stretched her to her limit. She fidgets to ease her discomfort, but I hold her hips firm and force her to feel the burn.

Her fingers lift up to my face, and I manage to stop her just before they touch me, throwing her arm hard into the wall behind her. I secure it beside her head with one hand, as my other keeps a grip on her thigh. My fingers squeeze into her skin, bruising her body while I hold the little slut where I want her. The force of my body is all that keeps her upright, and I use its power to thrust inside her. Over and over, faster and faster until her screams become deafening.

I make the rules now. Even if it comes with a price. Being this close to another human repulses me, the sensation of her body moving against mine grates on my nerves. When I feel my own scream beginning to build, I overcome it by burying my head into her shoulder and biting her flesh between my teeth. Even when her skin puts a bad taste in my mouth, I force myself to sink deeper. I deserve punishment for giving in to the urges.

I feel her tighten around my cock, constricting, and fucking smothering me. Her soaked snatch leaks all over me and coats my fucking balls with her filth.

I release her wrist to take hold of her neck. My ink-covered hand looks so colorful against her paling skin, and as she throbs beneath my fingertips, I feel my cock get harder inside her. Then clenching my fingers tighter, I listen until she chokes for me.

Her pussy sucks me in deeper, begging for me to offload, but I'm nowhere near done with her yet…

“You’re a sick fuck, Grimm,” she manages in between the gasps of oxygen I allow her, and instead of panicking as she should be, she smiles. The sadistic little bitch is getting off on my crazy. Handling me way better than I gave her credit for because she thinks this is some kinda kink I got. That it’s just a game.
