Page 45 of Damaged Soul

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“Any news?” I ask when I find him.

“Prez got an informer, someone who’s a regular at the bar where they all hang. Apparently, they can get loose-lipped after a few.” I nod, hoping to hell whoever this informer is will come through.

Once the threat is gone, everything can go back to how it was.

“You look like shit,” Jessie tells me.

“I’m tired.”

“Bitch too much for you to handle?” He grins at me.

“I got things covered, but the sooner all this shit is over and I can go back to dealing with the dead, the better.”

“Won’t be long, club wants to clear this shit up quick.”

“Soon as you get something, you let me know,” I tell him before getting back on my bike and heading away from the compound. I don’t know where I’m heading, just that staying away from her will make things easier.

“Come on in.” Maddy is balancing Nyx and Ella’s brat on her hip when she opens the door to me. “What can I do for you?” She looks like she’s got her hands full.

“I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out?”

God, how desperate has my life become?

“Um sure,” Maddy looks as surprised as I’d been when I came up with the idea. But I’m gonna get cabin fever if I don’t find some way to occupy myself.

“Ella had a rough night last night so I’m watching the little guy for her.” Maddy places him down in the playpen she’s got set up beside her couch, and I stick out my tongue at the little thing when he smiles at me.

“I’m kinda backed up here looking into all this stuff for Skid. I doubt I’ll be much fun,” she admits, taking a seat at the table and blowing the stray strand of hair that’s fallen over her eyes away.

“So put it off for a few hours, I was thinking maybe we could go down to the lake and do some daytime drinking. Grimm’s bound to have some blow stashed at the cabin.”

“As fun as that sounds…” Miss goody-two shoes clears her throat nervously, “…I really need to work, and Dylan isn’t gonna take care of himself.”

“Okay, so how about you put the kid in his wheels and we take a walk down to the clubhouse. You look like you could use the break and fresh air is good for kids, right?”

“Are you gonna take no for an answer?” Maddy sighs, defeated

“Absolutely not.” I grin back at her.

“Fine, let me grab a spare diaper and we’ll go for a walk, but just for an hour. Skid really wants this taken care of.” Maddy leaps up and sets to work, packing up a bag for the kid. Curiosity forces me to quickly scan the screen and see what she’s been working on for Skid, and when I see the names she’s got scribbled on her desk pad, I feel my bones shiver.

“You okay?” she checks, once she’s got the little guy strapped inside his stroller.

“Fine.” I quickly pull myself back together, standing up and making my way toward the door.

“You know, if you ever want to help me with my research. I’m always grateful to have another set of eyes.”

“Don’t push it, Maddy sunshine.” I take the kid's little rucksack from her hand and sling it over my shoulder.

Jessie looks surprised to see us when we rock up at the clubhouse, and he rushes over to give Maddy a kiss, before making a fuss of the kid and ruffling up his hair. “What brings you down here, darlin’? Thought you were working on that job?”

“I was, but Rogue here wanted to hang out,” she answers him back with a tight smile.

“Oh. That’s… nice.” Jessie looks at me and nods his head, trying to act enthusiastic instead of confused. “Me and Troj are just waiting on Prez, then we’ll be riding out to Pueblo. We should only—”

“What business you got in Pueblo?” I interrupt. Those names on the paper, now this. The club must be on to something.

“Crystal meth, apparently that guy you butchered and his friends are running a lab out there,” he tells me, his eyes scrutinizing me for a reaction.
