Page 57 of Damaged Soul

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Branches crack and scrape against the cabin roofs and the ground beneath my feet gushes with water.

“Rogue,” I call out again, then I spot her figure, running along the tree line.

Chasing her into the woods, my heart beats out of my chest. My body is heavy from the weight of my wet clothes, and rain blurs my vision, but I don’t let that slow me down. I manage to catch up with her when she’s finally forced to stop and catch her breath.

She’s barefoot, mud squelching between her toes, her legs cut and bleeding from where she must have tripped. Her blonde hair sticks to her face and her lips tremble from the cold, but she still looks fearless.

It terrifies me.

"What’s holding you back, Grimm?" she screams out at me over the chaos of the storm. “I’m…I’m not used to trying…”

"What are you talking about?" I take a steady step forward, petrified that she’ll bolt on me again. But I need to have my hands on her, to hold her in my arms and know she’s safe.

"You look at me like you want to touch me, I see your lips twitch when you think about kissing me. I've made it about as obvious as I can that I want you but something's holding you back, Grimm. What is it?" The rain drenches her T-shirt, sucking it against her skin while she waits for answers. But I haven’t got any words for her. I couldn’t begin to explain. She’d hate me if I did.

"Come on, out with it, do you want me or not? Because if you do, I'm here…” The wind catches her voice and a branch falls from the tree, so close to her that it makes my heart leap into my throat, but Rogue doesn’t even flinch. “I’m telling you I want you. I want your hands and lips to touch me the way your eyes do. And I’m not afraid of the darkness you got inside you, Grimm. I’m drawn to it. So if you want me, come over here and fucking take me…"

Fuck, I want to take her, more than I want to breathe.

I don't want to feel this way. It’s a sickness. One that I’m trying to save her from. I don’t want to crave the control I need over her. I’m so scared that I’ll picture her looking like them when I’m inside her, seeing her face in one of my father's polaroid pictures, lifeless and broken.

What if she’s the test I fail? What if I hurt her, or worse, what if I can’t stop?

"Come on, Grimm. What you so afraid of, scared you won't get me off? Is that why you like to watch?" Her hand skims over her stomach and disappears inside the front of her pants, and I squint to stop the rain running into my eyes.

Rogue knows what she does to me, she’s testing me, and in doing that she’s awakening the beast inside me. Of course, I don’t want to just fucking watch. I want to be her only form of pleasure, her only fucking anything.

I want her to need me.

Only me.

It’s un-fuckin-healthy.

"See that’s what I figured.” She smiles cruelly at me. “You’re scared. Go home, Grimm. I can take care of myself. Always fucking have, always fucking will." As she pulls her hands out of her waistband, for the briefest moment, her eyes show a flicker of vulnerability. And when her body turns ready to bolt again, a fear greater than anything overcomes me and drives me forward.

The fear of losing her for good.

My arm reaches out and drags her back to me. She struggles, and it’s hard to keep her in my grip with the rain pounding at us, but I manage to turn her back around and slam her shoulders into the closest tree. I take one long last look at her, and with all my self-discipline obliterated, I smash my lips hard onto hers and claim that taunting little mouth again.

She summoned the monster, coaxed him out of hiding, and now she’s beyond saving.

This is the kiss of fuckin’ death. For her, and for me.

The ache to be inside her and make her cunt mine is so strong that even her soaked, muddy hands reaching up and touching my face don’t distract me.

Out here, it’s just me and her. The storm swirls around us, protecting us from all the shit that should keep us apart. Here, with our rain-soaked bodies shivering against each other, everything else is irrelevant.

Rogue’s hands move down my body, tugging at my T-shirt and pulling it up over my head. Even the harsh wind and chill of the rain don’t stop the fire I feel in her touch.

I rip open the buttons on the flimsy top she’s wearing, grasping at the black lace that’s keeping her tits hidden from me and pressing my soaked body tighter into hers. I consume her mouth with my tongue, her blue-tinged lips trembling against mine from the cold while I devour her.

My fingers slide up under her bra, fisting one of her tits and pinching her nipple between my finger and thumb. She responds by biting down on my lip, punishing me with a euphoric pain that I want more of.

How did I ever manage to hold out for so long when she’s so agonizingly perfect? We fit together in the most fucked up of ways, and I won’t deny myself of her for a moment longer.

My soaked fingers slide up her neck and grasp at her jaw, my tongue following its trail all the way to her ear. "I want to fucking own you," I warn, feeling the breath she sucks in against my chest. "I want to possess every part of you, Rogue. Your body, your soul, and your fucking spirit. Once I’ve had you, I’ll never let you leave me." My threat is real, and she responds to it by grinding her hips and rubbing her pussy against my solid cock.

"I mean it. I’ll ruin you."
