Page 59 of Damaged Soul

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When he said he’d never let me leave him, it sounded a lot like a promise but past experience has taught me that a promise is only as good as the man who gives it. I can’t have Grimm let me down.

He stands up and holds out his hand for me. He looks so serious, I wish I could read his thoughts. Gripping hold of him, I let him pull me to my feet before we quickly gather up our clothes and run back through the trees toward his cabin. Something is freeing about running naked through a storm, and the sound of my laughter coaxes a tiny laugh out of him too. One that warms my whole body and makes me desperate to hear it again.

When we get inside, Grimm battles against the door to make it shut, and as soon as he turns around he puts his lips back on me. His tattooed hand smothering my cheek while he kisses my mouth, as his other hand scrunches a fistful of my hair. It’s dominating and, possessive, and it gives me hope that this is us now.

“You’re gonna let me clean you up,” he whispers against my lips. I nod back, excited by the idea as I allow his body to back me up toward the bathroom. Once we’re inside, he reaches his arm out to turn on the shower, then guides me to stand in the bathtub.

The warm water crackles against my freezing skin, but the discomfort eases when Grimm steps in beside me. He works his hands into my hair first, shampooing it with care and attention. When he tips back my head to rinse it, the dirt from my body drips onto his, but he doesn’t seem freaked out about it.

After he’s finished with my hair, he takes a clean sponge and starts to soothe it over my skin. I watch his intense level of focus as he covers me in suds and takes his time to cleanse every inch of me. I throw my head back and moan when he slides the sponge between my leg and squeezes his hand, the lather spilling between my thighs making me desperate to have him inside me again.

He kneels in front of me to wash my legs, and I press my palm into the tiles when I feel his lips press gently against my pussy. He doesn’t linger there long before he gets back to work, continuing to make me clean, being thorough as he makes his way down to my feet and washes all the mud and blood away.

When he stands back up again, he looks satisfied and I take the sponge out of his hands, load it with more soap and then start to do the same to him. He closes his eyes and freezes, and for a second I think he’s gonna stop me. But then he lets out a breath and places his hand over mine, guiding me to move over his body to make him clean again too.

When we're finished, he turns my body so my back presses against him and then pulls me down to sit in the base of the tub with him. His back is against the tiles and his chin resting on my shoulder, and his arms clutch around my waist, holding me tight.

We stay silent under the warm water until we’re spotless and our skin starts to wrinkle. I can’t remember ever feeling so content, and I’m petrified that I’m gonna have to come down from the high. When we eventually climb out, he wraps a towel around my body, takes my hand, and leads me into the bedroom.

Grimm is well equipped and he hadn’t taken that into consideration when he’d pounded me into the tree out in the storm. I’m sore but I still crave him.

“You need to get some sleep,” he tells me, like he can actually read the thoughts in my fucking head. I want to argue back, but at the same time, I don’t want to ruin his mood. So I don’t, instead, I snuggle in beside him, taking comfort in the way his arms show no hesitation to wrap around my body and pull me in tight. We lie and listen to the sound of the rain drumming on the roof and I can’t help but break the silence.

“Are things gonna change between us now?” I ask, knowing that his answer has the potential to shatter me.

How have I let this happen?

“Everything’s fuckin’ changed, Rogue,” he whispers, sounding like he’s mad at himself, the kiss he places on top of my head reassures me that even if he is, it won’t change anything.

Grimm may hate that he’s crossed the line and given into his desires, but it would be impossible to deny ourselves each other now.

“In that case, good luck tellin’ Skid.” I smile to myself before closing my eyes. I swear I feel his lips smirk against my temple before I drift off, and I already know there will be no nightmares tonight. Not while he’s holding me.

I stretch my arms out wide when I wake up and quickly panic when I realize he isn’t beside me.

Rushing out of bed, I pull one of his shirts on, then make my way into the kitchen to find the space empty. The storm outside has calmed to nothing now, and I go out on the decking to look at the damage it’s left behind, where hopefully I’ll find Grimm.

Sun breaks through the clouds now, and the only sign of last night’s storm is the debris that bobs on the lake surface. Grimm is nowhere to be seen.

I waste a whole torturous hour staring at my phone, wondering if I should call him before the door opens and there he is.

He moves straight toward me and kisses my lips, and the relief it gives me makes me suddenly realize how vulnerable I am. I don’t let myself rely on anyone, not even Skid. I always figured it was the best way to protect myself from being hurt again. Since being here, I’ve opened up so much of myself to Grimm. And now he has the power to crush me.

“I was worried,” I admit, my damn mouth, not being fucking cool.

“Then why didn’t you call?” he asks like it’s the simplest solution in the world. Now I feel stupid. I don’t have the first clue how to handle all the emotions inside me.

“I’ve just been helping repair some of the damage around the club,” he explains, giving off a slightly different vibe than usual. He seems more positive, like he’s been relieved of a burden. It feels a little strange. A good kinda strange.

“I did something stupid last night,” he says, his tone turning serious and suddenly making me feel like I’ve been doused with fuckin’ acid.

This is the part where he tells me that last night was a one-time thing and he doesn’t do commitment. I’ll bet he’s rehearsed it enough times with all the sluts at the club.

“Last night when we… It distracted me from things that usually trouble me.” He seems confused by his own words, and all I can do is recall the vision of our bodies slipping against the muddy earth. “I shouldn’t have… without a rubber.”

And he must hear the sigh of relief I make hearing that.

“That's it?” I chuckle back at him.
