Page 92 of Damaged Soul

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“Now ya fucked,” I whisper to Nick, just before the chaos descends. Grimm comes straight for Nick, ripping him off my body and throwing him to the wall.

Grimm's fist smashes into Nick’s face over and over again, and I call out his name when I feel something cool press against my temple.

“None of you move or I’ll blow the pretty little head off her shoulders,” the voice comes from behind me, and when Grimm abandons Nick to turn around, I see something in his eyes that I've never seen before… fear.

“Drop your guns and back the fuck out of here,” the guy with the gun to my head orders.

“Don’t hurt her,” Grimm's voice is desperate. He sounds weak and I hate it.

My eyes dart around the room, there are three other Souls here. Jessie, Troj, and Brax. This bastard is outnumbered and yet they all stand frozen.

Maybe these assholes like me after all.

“She killed Eddie, you killed McAlister. Tell me why I shouldn’t?”

“Because the minute she dies, you ain't got anything to bargain with. We came here for her, we’re leaving with her.” Jessie is the voice of reason and the guy laughs at him.

“You hear that, sweetheart? The biker boys wanna bargain for ya, who'da thought you’d be so special?” I see a change in Grimm's expression. It’s so slight that no one else would notice it, and the side glance he gives to Jessie tells me that something’s about to happen.

I raise my eyes and look in the mirror above the fireplace, and see Squealer slowly creeping up behind the guy.

A noise comes from outside, and I assume it’s Ivan and his men arriving. It distracts him, and when he glances out of the window to check, Squealer strikes.

The gun goes off, so loud that I think my ear's been blown off. I don’t feel any pain but I do feel a warm spray of blood against my neck. My eyes are still open, and although I can’t hear a thing, I still have my vision.

The door opens and more men pile into the room. Men I don’t recognize. And when the sound rushes back to my ears, loud and constant shots make my eyes desperately seek out Grimm.

He’s crouched low, coming toward me looking panicked and furious all at the same time.

Taking the knife from his boot, he works fast to cut through the ropes tying me to the chair and frees me.

“Get her out of here,” Jessie shouts out over the noise, and I feel myself get dragged on to my feet. Grimm shelters my body with his and starts making for the back door and when I see Squealer lying on the floor behind me, I stop moving.

“Go, I got him.” Brax shoves me on, and I’m not strong enough to stop Grimm from dragging me outside.

He immediately presses his fingers to his lips, warning me to stay quiet, and keeps us crouched low as he checks around the side of the house.

“There’s two more covering the front door,” he says looking back over his shoulder at me. Then before I can speak his lips are on mine, and his fingers dig into my neck like I’m slipping off a ledge. “Don’t you ever fuckin’ do that to me again, Rogue? Ever, you understand?”

“What are we gonna do, Grimm? They're outnumbered, we got to go back in and help them.”

“I’ll go back in and help them when you’re safe.”

“Grimm, I’m fine. Go back in and get Squealer.”

Three loud gunshots fire, and this time they don’t come from inside. Grimm takes another look around the side of the house.

“And here comes the fuckin’ mayhem,” he says, taking my hand and raising me to my feet. He pulls me around to the front of the house when he sees that the two men out front have been taken out. Prez, Thorne, Tac, and Nyx pile out the van, followed by Screwy who jumps out of the driver’s seat.

“Go get in the cage, Rogue,” Grimm orders as the boys hop over the two dead men to get in through the front door.

“Screw, Squeal got hit.” Grimm pulls on his shoulder to warn him before he goes in, and the man’s eyes blaze with fury before he charges inside the house. Grimm doesn’t go with them, instead, he drags me further away toward the van.

“I ain't getting in there,” I protest. “Give me a gun and I’ll fight as good as any Dirty Soul.” The whole reason they’re here is because of me. I want to make those fuckers bleed too.

“Rogue, you get in the damn cage,” Grimm warns, getting frustrated.

“No,” I point blank refuse him. “I can fight, you know I can.”
