Page 96 of Damaged Soul

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“Are you tellin’ me—”

“I thought those men were his friends. I’d already lost one parent and I was too scared to lose another.”

“Who hurt you?” I ask, needing names.

“All of them,” she says the words so feebly, like she’s the one who has something to be ashamed of, and I close my eyes to shield her from the anger in them.

“How old were you?” God, I don’t think I wanna know the answer to this question, why am I fucking asking her it?

“Eight, when it started. Around eighteen when it stopped. Something happened that pushed me over the edge. I flipped and I killed one of them. Then I let my dad take the blame for it.”

I can feel the bile in my throat. It’s no wonder my girl’s so fucked up, she’s been abused since she was fucking eight years old. Thinking about it makes me crave their blood.

“Your father let them use you like that?” I take my hands off her skin, fearing all the tension inside me could hurt her.

“I didn’t think he knew, he was always high, or drunk. He didn’t know which day of the week it was half the time. But I thought I was saving him, keeping him close. And in the end I lost him anyway.”

I feel my heart split as I watch her bottom lip shake, and her hand reaches out for mine and moves it back on to her body.

Suddenly she seems so fuckin’ fragile that my own fingers tremble as they touch her.

“Please keep touching me, Grimm, this is why I didn’t want to tell you. I don’t want you to look at me differently.”

Sliding my hand up between her tits, I take her throat and drag her closer to me. I kiss her lips, and taste her salty tears as they stream out. They may be causing her pain but I’m glad she’s choosing to give them to me. I want every single part of her, her secrets, her vulnerability, even her fucking crazy.

“Before you came to save me, Nick told me…” The words seem to lodge in her throat, like she’s gonna choke on them.

“Tell me,” I whisper, holding her jaw tight in my palm, and soothing her hair gently with the other. This is what she needs from me and I’ll never deny her it. If there’s more to this fucked up story, I need to hear it so I can fix her from it.

“He told me that my dad knew the whole time, that he offered me to them.” She breaks right in front of me, her head falling heavy in my hand and her knees rising up to her chest. She wraps her arms around them and clings them tight, her sobs lifting her shoulders. And I don’t know how to comfort her because all I can feel inside me is rage. Rage that I’ve got to keep a lid on because she needs me to be strong for her.

Sliding my hand up to her cheek, I hold her face in my hands and press my forehead against hers. I breathe with her, hoping that she can hear the words I’m saying in my head, because I can’t get them out for her.

“I’ve been angry for so long, Grimm. I wanted them all dead. Finding this place and Skid, crazy as it sounds, showed me reality. It gave me an escape from them.” And it suddenly fucking dawns on me that she was hanging out here while all that was happening to her.

“Why didn’t you tell Skid?” This is gonna break the man.

“It was already a part of my life when I came here. My dad needed his drugs, he was in so deep with them and I was scared they’d hurt him. I couldn’t tell Skid because I was worried he’d think my dad wasn’t taking care of me properly.”

“He didn’t take care of you properly, Rogue… he let his friends…” I can feel my hold on her becoming too tight and when her hands press on top of mine, it feels as though she’s the one soothing me.

“I need you not to be mad, Grimm,” she whispers. Her tears falling between us and her shaky breaths touching my lips. “If I’m gonna tell you the next part I need you to promise me that you won’t go crazy, ‘cause I want you to know it all and for me to be strong enough to tell you, I need you here with me.”

Fuck, there’s more? And I don’t know how the hell I’m gonna handle it. But I will, for her.

I’ll do anything, even if it means tearing my own heart out.

“There was a time at the garage, it was my eighteenth birthday.”

“Those fuckers came here?” I pull back and stare at her. They came on to our compound and did that to her?

“Not them.” Her head shakes back at me and her eyes drop to her knees. “Chop.”

I feel every muscle in my body stiffen.

“He found out about what was happening at home, he must have hung around with the guys that night. He threatened to tell Skid, and then he…” My finger presses over her lips ‘cause I can’t hear anymore.

Chop betrayed us all, none worse than his own brother Skid, but hearing this, knowing that he’s hurt Rogue makes me want his head.
