Page 17 of His Sacrifice

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“I don’t recall you setting any boundaries on the fire escape the other night.” Evelyn leans across the table and rests her chin on her knuckles, smirking at me seductively.

Christ, she’s perfect. How will one night ever be enough?

“I wasn’t expecting to see you that night, it caught me off guard and I acted on an impulse. That doesn’t happen often,” I emphasize.

“Guess I got lucky, huh?” She raises her eyebrows at me, and I can’t help but smile. How has spending such a short amount of time with her made me feel like the weight of the world has shifted off my shoulders?

“I’m the master of control, Evelyn.” I turn my voice serious again, watching how her lashes flutter. I have to remind myself of my fucking words because, right now, I’m finding the urge to fuck her right here on this table impossible to keep contained.

“So…” I clear my throat and straighten my back. “Hard limits, do you have any?” I get us swiftly back on topic.

“No secret filming.” She looks down at her glass sadly. And I make myself a promise that regardless of her wishes, Fabian is going to die slowly for what he did.

“Apart from that, I don’t think I have any.” She shrugs.

“You can add hard limits as we progress. But your safe word is important. A safe word is your—”

“Raoul,” she interrupts. “What happens after, when tonight is over?” She looks worried. I can only hope that she’s not about to back out of this.

“We go back to our lives, and hopefully you make better choices.” I swallow hard against the lump that idea puts in my throat.

“I don’t want to talk about safe words and hard limits. I don’t want you to fuck me how you do other women. I just want us to be us for a night,” she tells me softly.

Wendy’s timing is impeccable as she brings out two plates of salmon served on top of a garden salad, placing them in front of us.

“Thank you, Wendy,” I dismiss her, and turn my focus straight back to Evelyn.

“You would never be like the others,” I assure her. “Now eat your food.” I direct my eyes to her plate, trying to sound much more put together than I feel as I watch her pick up her fork and start to eat.

I can feel that familiar warmth that comes with being around her starting to seep itself back into my chest, as I watch each delicate mouthful she places between her lips. Her sweet little smile beaming up at me every now and again, making me feel guilty for what I’m about to put us through.

“Do you love him?” I ask because I have to know, even if her answer will hurt.

“Fabian? No.” She shakes her head. “He’s fun, sometimes. And a good distraction. But I don’t love him. How about Briella, do you love her?” There’s no bitterness in her tone, just curiosity.

“I wouldn’t be sitting here with you if I did. But that doesn’t mean I won’t try to,” I explain honestly.

“The food was delicious.” Evelyn looks up at me nervously when she’s finished, like she’s waiting for me to strike.

I stand up from the table and hold out my hand for her.

“Come with me.” I try to keep my tone soft because she’s nervous. And when her fingers slip between mine, I feel the hollowness inside me start to fill.

“Are you scared?” I ask, cradling her cheek with my hand, and inhaling her sweet scent. All these little pleasures will be the memories that I treasure after tonight is over.

“A little,” she admits, rubbing her lips together and making me want to kiss them again.

She should be scared, I have no idea how to be gentle with a woman. I’ve never fucking tried it.

“Raoul, pardon the intrusion but I need to speak with you urgently,” Ludo interrupts, and knowing he wouldn’t have done unless the matter was important, I place a kiss on Evelyn's forehead and leave her on the terrace so I can talk to him in my office. Pulling the door closed behind me, I brace myself for whatever it is he has to say.

“It’s your brother, he’s been taken to hospital with a stab wound.”

“Fuck!” I feel like I’ve taken a wrecking ball straight to the guts.

“I have to go to him, do my parents know?” I scrub my hand over my face while my blood heats with fury.

“Your father was the one who called, they tried your cell but it rang through,” Ludo informs me.
