Page 42 of His Sacrifice

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Who would have thought that Evelyn Lane could be such a natural submissive? She’s showing a lot of potential and I'm loving being the one who gets to teach her what her body desires.

Ludo gives me a look when I pass him at the door, and Evelyn wastes no time, pulling on my hand and rushing me up the stairs to the bedroom.

“I want you to fuck me like you fuck them,” she blurts out, taking me totally off guard. What she just did in the car impressed me, but this is so much more. She must have had too much wine with her dinner.

“That takes some preparation,” I explain, pulling her close to me and kissing her behind her ear.

“You promised in the car that if I did what you said, you’d fuck me like a slut. I want to know what that feels like.” She stands in front of me in that dress, looking so determined and strong that it nearly brings me to my fucking knees.

“I want you to take me to whatever room you fuck them in, and give it to me as hard as they take it.” She swallows thickly while waiting for my response.

“No,” I refuse, doing that isn’t even an option.

“You promised.” She looks back at me like I’ve hurt her.

“Have you already had me where you have them?” She strokes her forehead with her fingers and I can see by the disappointment on her face that the thought of it hurts her.

“It’s never here,” I admit, sparing her the upset. “I don’t bring women into my personal space.” Evelyn drops herself onto the edge of the bed, looking relieved.

“So where?” She eventually looks back up at me, her eyes wide and curious.

I could lie to her, tell her that I use hotels, or, that I fuck them at their place, but instead I choose to tell her the truth.

“My family has a ranch about an hour's drive from here. It’s where I usually entertain.” Why do I suddenly feel ashamed to admit that? The ranch has always been a sanctuary for me.

She nods her head slowly, taking in everything I've said.

“And will you take me there?” she asks apprehensively.

“Never,” I shake my head firmly, that’s not up for negotiation. Evelyn doesn’t belong at a place like the ranch. The place is far too tainted.

“You will never be like those women.” I step closer to her. “With them, there were never feelings. They let me do the things I like to do, and they’d thank me for it because it’s what got them off. We were matched because of acquired tastes, and there were rules and agreements.

With you it’s different. You giving yourself to me the way you do, trusting me so freely. It’s a whole different level of fulfillment for me.” It feels like the girl’s in my head, stripping me of all my secrets, and I hate that I’m so weak and willing to give them to her.

“I want to know what it’s like, I did some research on my phone after work today,” she admits, her cheeks turning an adorable shade of pink. “I definitely have hard limits.” She looks up at me awkwardly.

“Telling me what they are would be a good start.” I flick my finger under her chin and force her attention back up to me when she tries to look away again.

“Genital clamps are a huge no.” She chews on the inside of her cheek. “Breath and knife play… off the table,” she continues assertively, and I nod her my understanding. All these are pretty hardcore things that even I haven’t ventured into.

“No other…” she clears her throat, “…participants.” Her shame at being jealous makes me smile.

“Do you really think I’d share you?” I cock an eyebrow at her.

“I didn’t have a lot of time to look at anything else, Ludo was giving me weird looks and I wondered if you had some kind of tracker on your internet, so I decided to get on with my yoga,” she explains innocently.

“Do you want to try something with me now?” I ask, walking toward her bedside cabinet and opening the top drawer. She watches me take out the black lace sleep mask that match one of the underwear sets she brought while shopping with Claude. I've been thinking about her wearing it since she found it with one of the matching sets she bought.

When I’m standing in front of her again, she stretches her neck up to look at me and answers my question with a nod of her head.

“You remember your safe word?” I check, unzipping the back of her dress before I lift it over her head.

“Yes,” she whispers.
