Page 58 of His Sacrifice

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Seeing her here, in my family home, has me fucking speechless. What was she thinking coming here? What was Vi thinking bringing her?

I wait for them to leave the table before I follow Father into his office, seething mad at the pair of them. I had no idea about any plans for tonight.

“What were you doing at the ranch?” Father asks, taking a seat and pulling out a cigar like he always does after a meal. I can’t tell him the truth, if he knew about the girl Rhett got in trouble, he’d deal with her his way.

“I was just checking up on things with Felix, making sure everything’s ticking over. We had the bikers drop off a few nights ago, I wanted to check if it went well,” I explain and Father nods back at me, seeming to accept my answer.

“And why was the jet chartered to New Mexico yesterday?” He scrubs the stubble on his face suspiciously.

“I had a lead on Prizrak from Declan’s phone so I went and checked it out with Niko.”

“New Mexico, huh?” I’m relying on the fact my father never listens to anything that’s not business-related. Evelyn mentioned where her mother lived during dinner and I don’t need him questioning me right now.

“So, you don’t think I should know about that kind of shit anymore?” He laughs at me, which given my current mood, isn’t a good idea.

“It was just a lead, I wanted to check it out before anyone got excited.”

“And what did this lead result in?” The way he looks at me suggests he’s suspicious.

“It was a dead end.” I remain calm and unfazed,

“Didn’t the girl say that’s where her mother lives now?” he frowns, resting back in his leather chair, and studying me for weakness.

“Did she? I didn’t notice.”

“You didn’t notice,” he laughs cruelly. “You used to chase that girl around like a pup when you were younger.” Blowing out a mouthful of smoke, he sniggers. “I never used to see the appeal, but now…”

I try not to react, but I want to strangle the man for the thoughts that I imagine are in his head.

“Did you notice the way she bit her lip all the way through her meal? She was nervous, I could sense her fear. Still, I think she got a thrill being surrounded by such powerful men.” He chuckles and I have to swallow down the urge to launch at him. “She looks sweet, but beneath all that blushing and eye batting…”

“Don’t,” I growl through my teeth. Feeling the fury inside me reaching its limit.

“Maybe we should offer her to Ludo or Niko, they have been working hard lately,” he suggests, and I want to rip the snide look off his face.

“She’s not ours to offer,” I point out.

“She could be. She’s one of Fabian Morretti’s whores now, I’m sure she has a price.”

“I have to leave, I have an appointment.” I need to get out of this office before I make him hurt, and as I make my way toward the door, the sound of his voice stops me in my tracks.

“Raoul, let’s not forget who still runs this organization,” he warns before I respond by slamming the door behind me

I should head straight out to my car, and get the hell out of here, but instead, I make my way up the stairs, marching straight for my sister’s room and throwing open the door. Both of the girls look shocked to see me, and when I see what Evelyn’s wearing, I feel every muscle in my body tense.

“Get out,” I order Violetta.

“You can’t tell me to get out of my own…” She doesn’t have the chance to finish her sentence, because I’ve already grabbed her arm and forced her out the door.

“I’ll deal with you later,” I promise, slamming it in her face.

“Raoul,” Evelyn can see how angry I am, she even starts to back away from me like she’s afraid. “Let me explain, I never knew.”

“What are you doing here?” I ask, making up the space between us with three fast-paced strides.
